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Scriptures via SMS or Messaging

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:55 pm
by slloyd-p40
I have two items that may be of interest here.

First is my website - It is a place where you can log in, read, listen, markup, take notes, search, look up Strong's concordance, etc.

The second is related to it but is a bit different in it format - I have created Messenger bots that allow you search and read the scriptures through a simple instant message client or through your Phone using SMS.

Another site,, did a great job describing what is is and how to use it. ... t-message/

Re: Scriptures via SMS or Messaging

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:31 am
by lomondview
I checkout your site and it looks great. You use PHP to let your website users send scritrues via text, right? I only ask because I recently built a site that uses PHP to do that. Do you use Nexmo as the service provider for sending and receiving SMS text messages?