Need Location Calendar for Ward Building

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Need Location Calendar for Ward Building


Post by jamesrhoden »

Our ward building is shared by a ward and a dependent branch. Unfortunately there isn't a location calendar setup for our building so scheduling the building between the ward and branch becomes difficult. How are location calendars setup so we can resolve this?
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Re: Need Location Calendar for Ward Building


Post by russellhltn »

All church buildings that have wards in them should have a building calendar. The information comes from the FM database. It's possible that FM never assigned your units to a building.

If you go to the calendar on the website, on the left, under your stake's name is where the building calendar(s) would be found. It's possible that the stake calendar admin renamed the calendar to something else, or even disabled it completely.

I'd start by taking to a stake admin (Stake clerk, Executive Secretary, etc.)
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Need Location Calendar for Ward Building


Post by sbradshaw »

A stake-level admin can edit which wards can schedule which locations, for any of the locations assigned to the stake. If needed (for example, if there are rented buildings not maintained by the Church), a stake admin can also create new calendar locations and mark which wards can schedule them. The stake that "owns" the location can also add units outside of the stake to allow them to schedule a location if needed (where there are wards from multiple stakes using the same building).
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Re: Need Location Calendar for Ward Building


Post by margiestroble »

russellhltn wrote: Mon May 17, 2021 5:22 pm All church buildings that have wards in them should have a building calendar. The information comes from the FM database. It's possible that FM never assigned your units to a building.

If you go to the calendar on the website, on the left, under your stake's name is where the building calendar(s) would be found. It's possible that the stake calendar admin renamed the calendar to something else, or even disabled it completely.

I'd start by taking to a stake admin (Stake clerk, Executive Secretary, etc.)
Hello. I have been the Stake and also Ward Website Administrator since about 2009 or 2010 and was able to do a number of things that I can't do now since those callings were renamed the Stake Communication Specialist and the Ward Email Communication Specialist. I also am the Stake Center Building Scheduler and the Ward Building Scheduler. I used to be able to change the names of the building calendars that you are speaking about here, on the left side of the calendar, as I remember changing the name of our Stake Center when another unit starting meeting in our building, which now includes 3 Wards, 1 Branch, plus the Stake having activities, so it gets pretty busy!

It was noticed that on one of our building calendars on the list on the left side of the calendar that now has another ward using that building, that new ward is not showing up in the name of the building calendar. I was asked if I could add it, so, I tried, but I don't see any options for me to do that now. I am a Calendar Admin on all of the Stake Calendars. Why can't I do it now? When you click on the name of the building calendar, it does pop up that the ward is assigned to that building, so apparently FM did that part of the process. Thanks!
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Re: Need Location Calendar for Ward Building


Post by russellhltn »

margiestroble wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:58 pm I am a Calendar Admin on all of the Stake Calendars. Why can't I do it now?
To edit the name, you have to "Locations and Rooms" in the list when you click on the gear icon.

To do that, you need to be an administrator of the system, not just of all the calendars. Unless you hold a calling that grants those rights, you'd have to be added manually by a member of the stake presidency, clerk, secretary, or STS.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Need Location Calendar for Ward Building


Post by margiestroble »

Thank you very much.
Margie Stroble
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