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Having to download content repeatedly

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 8:20 am
by stefans
I was sitting in sacrament meeting yesterday and opened up the app to use the hymnal to sing the opening hymn. However, I had to download the hymnal before it would open. I used the hymnal last week, so I know I had previously downloaded it. This happened not too long ago with the Book of Mormon, too, like I'd never read it before. This is more an inconvenience than anything else, but it happens way too much to just overlook it. What if I'm camping and want to read the BoM and it has to download first, and I don't have an Internet connection? Out of luck.

Re: Having to download content repeatedly

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:20 am
by jdlessley
stefans wrote:What if I'm camping and want to read the BoM and it has to download first, and I don't have an Internet connection? Out of luck.
If there is no Internet connection the app will not attempt to update material and will open just fine with the content it has.

Re: Having to download content repeatedly

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 11:24 am
by russellhltn
I suspect the issue is that there's been an update to the content (possibly just formatting to support notetaking features). If there's no internet connection, then it doesn't know there's an update.

Re: Having to download content repeatedly

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:01 pm
by AC7MF
I have an extra phone with no SIM which I use exclusively for apps. The primary use is dedicated to the gospel library. I have about 30GBb remaining in internal storage and frequently have to download content I have been using. I have not turned on WIFI in the interim. I discover that many catalogs will have disappeared. Several of the scriptures, many magazines and conference issues. I spend much time repeatedly downloading content that had been on the device. Additionally "download all" doesn't work. I have never been able to download anything but one at a time. I have reinstalled the app 3 times. I am running 5.12.4. On an LGV20.