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Trouble with ServiceNow access

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:24 pm
by drewthor
I'm a new Stake Clerk and I'm trying to open a ticket /contact us. Each time I try to access the links ( ... s?lang=eng or I'm redirected to a ServiceNow page that says Logout successful - You have successfully logged out. I've tried on multiple browsers from different computers and all have the same result. Does someone else in my Stake need to grant this access or is this something that happens after I was assigned to the Calling (done on 4/11)?

Re: Trouble with ServiceNow access

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:56 am
by eblood66
Apparently some people get this behavior and others don't (see viewtopic.php?f=50&t=38629&p=221232&hil ... ow#p221232). At this point we haven't heard or figured out what determines whether it works or not for someone but hopefully they will get it fixed soon. You can see if it's working for another member of your Stake Presidency or for one of your assistant clerks.

When I use the Contact Us link it finally redirects to this URL:

You can try going there directly but I'm not sure that will work differently.

Re: Trouble with ServiceNow access

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 8:10 pm
by drewthor
Thanks for sharing the other post. I tried the two links there but I get the same result. I think I can work around the issue I was going to report for now.