Lehi SSID and network log available on TM

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Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by bretbassett »

As of mid-December a new SSID is available in meetinghouses. It is called Lehi. It is available to run simultaneously with Liahona or stand-alone. Also TM.churchofjesuschrist.org has a new network log to track changes.
For more details please see the attached pdf.
Lehi and Liahona wireless networks.pdf
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Re: Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by crashutah1 »

We've been testing out this functionality and found a few issues.

First, if we disable Liahona, then Lehi still needs to be given to the Bishoprics and other leaders who may be still meeting during other people's sacrament meetings. Not a huge deal, but does have the potential of still causing issues. If they are streaming leadership meetings, then we need to get more internet so multiple streams can be done at the same time from the church.

Second, the printers now use the wireless and often are being printed to from personal devices that print to it wireless from the leader tools. So, I guess that means I need to put the printers on Lehi as well. Not too big of an issue, but the 90 day password reset becomes a pain since then the printers have to be reupdated every 90 days.

Third, in our stake center we have a missionary board and they've put one of those internet frames where the missionaries can share their pictures and the frame updates digitally. Can't get it to work with the splash screen on Liahona, so had to use Lehi on it. Not a big deal bandwidth wise, but again the 90 day password reset is a pain.

Fourth, I wish that the calendar feature was more granular. It's fine, but would be nice to have more options there. Also, it's interesting that it defaults to being turned off late at night. I'm still torn on if that's a good idea or if some day it's going to come back and bite me because someone is setting up something late at night or a Bishop meeting late at night.

I guess the biggest issue is the 90 day password reset. I can understand where it's coming from, but I think it probably causes more issues than it solves. What about just sending an email after 90 days to suggest a reset?
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Re: Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by russellhltn »

crashutah1 wrote:Third, in our stake center we have a missionary board and they've put one of those internet frames where the missionaries can share their pictures and the frame updates digitally. Can't get it to work with the splash screen on Liahona, so had to use Lehi on it. Not a big deal bandwidth wise, but again the 90 day password reset is a pain.
The STS can add it to the "NoSplash" policy to allow it to run on Liahona. That's what it's there for.
crashutah1 wrote:Fourth, I wish that the calendar feature was more granular. It's fine, but would be nice to have more options there. Also, it's interesting that it defaults to being turned off late at night. I'm still torn on if that's a good idea or if some day it's going to come back and bite me because someone is setting up something late at night or a Bishop meeting late at night.
True. Especially if now it's to protect Sacrament meetings. The original purpose was to discourage people (either neighbors or people parked in the parking lot) from using the WiFi at night.

As for impacting someone, I'd get with the stake president and have him decide. He may want to set a rule of no one in the building after 10:30 PM. (Or whatever time.)
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Re: Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by bphilli7 »

We have passed 90 days since setting our original Lehi SSID password. Despite technology manager reporting that the password is expired and must be re-set to re-enable the Lehi SSID, the Lehi SSID is still broadcasting, and the old password still works fine.

Am I the only one who has noticed that technology manager reports the Lehi SSID has been disabled, only to find it working fine at the buildings with the old, expired password?

We had a stake conference today, and about 40 devices were on the Lehi network (despite technology manager reporting it was disabled)!

So, a couple requests or suggestions:

1) I would prefer to administer the Lehi network without a 90-day password, but rather with MAC addresses. As STS, I would rather set one password and then whitelist the leadership devices as people are called (removing them after they're released). I realize some may prefer the 90-day password, but 90-days of "think up a new, unguessable password and then let word of mouth spread it" can be more cumbersome than enrolling MAC addresses once for the duration of their calling.

2) I would request that we have an "enable/disable" slider button in technology manager for the Lehi network, like we have for Liahona. During my stake conference broadcast, I wanted to kill all Wifi to devote bandwidth to the streaming service, but I didn't have that option for the Lehi network.
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Re: Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by russellhltn »

bphilli7 wrote:2) I would request that we have an "enable/disable" slider button in technology manager for the Lehi network, like we have for Liahona. During my stake conference broadcast, I wanted to kill all Wifi to devote bandwidth to the streaming service, but I didn't have that option for the Lehi network.
I see a slider. Just above the password. Does it not work?
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Re: Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by bphilli7 »

You’re right. There is a slider when the password is current. Because my screen says the password is out of date and needs to be changed before the lehi network will be available, there is no slider for me to toggle.
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Re: Lehi SSID and network log available on TM


Post by Wattsuk »

So it wouldn't let you update the password and then use the slider?

To be honest, in a pinch and during stake conference I would have just disconnected the ethernet cables going to the WiFi access points. Far from ideal but sometimes needs must to retain bandwidth.
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