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Website access levels of Sunday School presidency member
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:05 am
by ryanleecole
Our ward Sunday School 1st counselor has church website access to some screens he shouldn't have. We've verified that his access levels from his prior calling (stake YM presidency) were removed, but he still can view some screens he shouldn't be able to. Is there something else we should be doing?
Re: Website access levels of Sunday School presidency member
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:43 am
by eblood66
It can take up to 24 hours for rights to be adjusted after a change in calling. If it's been longer than that, then you'll probably need to contact the Global Service Department to investigate further.
Re: Website access levels of Sunday School presidency member
Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:46 am
by russellhltn
What screens are we talking about? It's possible the access table is incorrect.
Check what other callings are recorded for him. Also make sure the MRN on the account he's using matches the MRN on his record. We've seen cases where someone ended up using the spouses MRN because the MRN on the Temple Recommend was swapped, or they were using the spouse's account because "it sees more".
Note that Sunday School is a part of the Ward Council, and the ward council has some very broad responsibilities for individual members. (See General Handbook 7.4) I'm not sure if that extends to 1st Counselor, but if it does, it will allow him to see a lot of membership information. Certainly more than he did as a Stake YM Presidency (who has no responsibility for individual members).