Satellite removal, and streaming device compatibility?

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Satellite removal, and streaming device compatibility?


Post by kevmor »

I have a question on replacing our satellite with a "streaming device". My understanding from the "request a streaming device" form is that a streaming device is one of these:
(e.g. Roku, Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Android TV, or laptop) that supports a web browser or apps like the Latter-day Saints Channel or YouTube
I've actually never used our satellite system before, but would anything that was broadcast over the satellite be available through say, a laptop or YouTube? I was thinking maybe a temple dedication or something else that might have restricted viewers?
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Re: Satellite removal, and streaming device compatibility?


Post by russellhltn »

kevmor wrote:I was thinking maybe a temple dedication or something else that might have restricted viewers?
That's answered in question #5 of the Satellite Removal FAQ.

Apparently, not all languages are on the internet for some reason. That seems to be the only "not available" concern that has come up.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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