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FIR 500 character limit is frustrating on many levels

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:15 pm
by mrbitsch
The 500 character limit on describing an issue in FIR can be incredibly frustrating at times. For some stuff like "broken outlet" or "mouse droppings" it's easy to fit in 500 characters. However when you need to explain to the FM group, or JLL exactly what you need done, in detail so they don't say, pull out a 200ft network run instead of adding an additional 20ft run, well apparently 500 characters doesn't leave enough to give them that detail.

Is there any plans/chance/can I plead and beg, to increase the character limit in FIR? If not, at the very least, can we get a character count in the app so I know how close I am? But really, please, please, please can we at least double that limit?


Re: FIR 500 character limit is frustrating on many levels

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:31 pm
by russellhltn
mrbitsch wrote:Is there any plans/chance/can I plead and beg, to increase the character limit in FIR? If not, at the very least, can we get a character count in the app so I know how close I am?
You can use the feedback link on the main page to make your case.

I personally have never run into that limit.

Re: FIR 500 character limit is frustrating on many levels

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:09 am
by mrbitsch
Guess I just needed to dig deeper on that, I couldn't find one on the web version, and missed the one in the app. Thanks!

Funny enough the Description field for feedback is 1000, and it shows a count/limit. :lol:

Re: FIR 500 character limit is frustrating on many levels

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:14 am
by russellhltn
By "main page", I'm referring to

Re: FIR 500 character limit is frustrating on many levels

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:04 am
by lajackson
russellhltn wrote:I personally have never run into that limit.
And I hit it all the time.

To get under the limit one time I abbreviated a lot of things. The FM Group called and said they did not understand the abbreviations. I told them there was a character limit and then explained the abbreviations. They said, "We should have been able to figure that out."