Dish Removal and streaming device question

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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote:I know when I filled out the form, I indicated a need for a number of languages. That may be driving a different decision in my case.
We use multiple languages. It does not seem to have affected the decision.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by awev »

lajackson wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 11:29 am
bartj wrote:The device that will likely be provided for those that need one is an Android device. Something like a Mi Box, Nvidia Shield, or Google Chromebox. Only request the number of units needed based on the stakes broadcast plans moving forward.
We requested units for our stake. Has a preferred unit been selected? Is it available yet?

The satellite system at our stake center failed this week. It will not be repaired because of the satellite removal program this year. So I am ready for the first one of our requested replacement streaming devices.

Or if that is not going to happen, I need to know so that I can wire the stake clerks office administrative computer into the audiovisual system instead.
Careful on that last part, about wiring a clerk's computer into the A/V system. Take a look at Church Standards --> Tech Standards, in section 4 on computers - see here . If the clerk's computer has any membership information on it, even if it is only the MLS back-up files, then you may want to ensure it is secured, and not accessible to those without proper permission (presidents, bishops, and clerks for example).

Not being a STS or Stake President I did not find out about the streaming device until I submitted a trouble ticket because our RF modulator failed for the left hand side of the satellite pairings (English in the English Spanish pairing on satellite channel 101 for example), and being asked about it, then told no, no repairs are forthcoming. Now I have to work with my STS and Stake Physical Faculties Manager as only our computers (1 clerk and 2 FHC, all three running Win 10 Pro), firewall, and network switch is new, everything else is 19 years old (when the chapel was built), so we still have VCRs using composite connections to the TVs issued when the building first came into service. Makes life a bit more difficult for them, as not only do they have to decide what they need for the stake center, they also need to figure out what the five other chapels in the stake needs. I will most likely ask for two streaming devices, or smart TVs with it built in (current TVs are analog only, no DVI, DP, or HDMI), so we can do English in the chapel, and Spanish in the Relief Society room (once we have an Ethernet port installed there :roll: ).
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by enelson5 »

bphilli7 wrote: Sun Nov 15, 2020 7:58 am Last year we purchased an ATSC HD modulator since all the overflow rooms use TVs less than 15 years old and have that built in.
I suppose I’ll keep the HD modulator and remove the other three, in time.
I was thinking of adding an ATSC modulator to send HD content to all of the existing RF ports in our old building (coax runs are too long for SDI to work reliably). At the gym ports where we connect projectors, I'd have to add ATSC de-modulators, so I'm wondering if you've done this too, and if so, do you see a significant/noticeable delay in the video compared to live. Since the people in the gym would see live line-of-sight as well as projected video, it could be quite annoying if the video is delayed too much (i.e. think of a chorister leading songs). Also would be a problem in the other rooms in the building if the house audio doesn't sync with the ATSC video that's been encoded at the modulator then decoded at the TVs.

I'm really curious to hear from you other others about using ATSC to send HD throughout the building. Modulator and de-modulator equipment models would be nice to know too.

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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by russellhltn »

The price tag I've seen for ATSC modulators is an incentive to find a different path.

It looks like the length limit of SDI is about 100 meters or 300 feet.

The real problem of trying to reuse the coax is many segments were set up with splitters and outlets with attenuators. Perfectly valid for RF, but deadly to SDI.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by enelson5 »

I found an answer to my question about ATSC. It looks like ATSC modulation/demodulation does add enough delay that line-of-sight viewers would find the gym projector video quite out-of-sync with the live presentation. Here's a link to a video that shows a church that is successfully using ATSC to send content to remote parts of their building which are out of earshot and view of the live service, but there's an issue with a monitor that's in the lobby that's behind in audio/video with the live service which can also be heard through the doors in the lobby. The first couple minutes show the issue. His solution is to use SDI for that one monitor. I've already tried SDI in our building and the coax runs are too long for it to work reliably.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by quintonrhq »

The stake installed an ATSC modulator in 2016 and have found it useful for rooms not directly viewing and hearing the chapel environment. The delay is enough to be annoying if you are paying attention. Channel 10.1 plays on all of the flat screens. SDI should not be pushed into the old RF distribution system with splitters in the way.
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