Dish Removal and streaming device question

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Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by stephendoud »

I received an email from the Church titled "ACTION ITEMS: Satellite Dish Removal". At the bottom of the message is this step:

3) Determine if streaming devices will be needed in your stake. Please complete the Request for Streaming Receiver Form if additional streaming devices are required.

Before I can determine if our buildings need one, I need to know what is the "streaming device"? Is it the Teradek VidiU web streaming box, or is it a stream receiver of some kind?
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by russellhltn »

stephendoud wrote:Before I can determine if our buildings need one, I need to know what is the "streaming device"? Is it the Teradek VidiU web streaming box, or is it a stream receiver of some kind?
Receiver. The idea is it will replace your satellite receiver.

Note, this is only for buildings that currently have satellite. It's not for ordering devices for buildings that don't have a dish. I believe they'll be made available separately for stakes that wish to buy some to equip their other buildings.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by Mikerowaved »

Point 7 of their FAQ page indicates it's a receiving device.
7. If stakes already have a streaming device, do they need to purchase a new streaming device?

No. If stakes already have a streaming device for each building where broadcasts will be received, there is no need to spend additional funds for additional devices. Those stakes that do not have a streaming device already can request one by completing the Request for Streaming Receiver form before the end of 2020, and a receiver device will be made available.
Kind of interesting, because I didn't know receiving devices, typically an inexpensive Android TV device, had been issued to each stake yet.

Edit: Looks like you beat me to the punch, Russell. :)
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by stephendoud »

russellhltn wrote:
stephendoud wrote:Before I can determine if our buildings need one, I need to know what is the "streaming device"? Is it the Teradek VidiU web streaming box, or is it a stream receiver of some kind?
Receiver. The idea is it will replace your satellite receiver.

Note, this is only for buildings that currently have satellite. It's not for ordering devices for buildings that don't have a dish. I believe they'll be made available separately for stakes that wish to buy some to equip their other buildings.
Thanks for your reply Russell, but it does not answer my question. I found the answer - I clicked the link in item 3) to "the Request for Streaming Receiver Form" and it states, "Stakes that already have a streaming device (e.g. Roku, Fire TV Stick, Apple TV, Android TV, or laptop) that supports a web browser or apps like the Latter-day Saints Channel or YouTube should use those apps and not order devices here."

So the streaming device is a web stream receiver, not a streaming web-caster.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by russellhltn »

Mikerowaved wrote:Kind of interesting, because I didn't know receiving devices, typically an inexpensive Android TV device, had been issued to each stake yet.
They haven't. But some stakes went ahead and got some on their own.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by bphilli7 »

I guess this means the different modulators in our a/v rack are now unnecessary...
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by russellhltn »

bphilli7 wrote:I guess this means the different modulators in our a/v rack are now unnecessary...
The operative word being "different". I'm hard pressed to think of a use for multiple modulators. But I'd want at least one, and perhaps a spare for transmitting stake conference to the different rooms.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by Biggles »

russellhltn wrote:I'm hard pressed to think of a use for multiple modulators. But I'd want at least one, and perhaps a spare for transmitting stake conference to the different rooms.
In our Stake Centre we have two modulators. One for Spanish and one for Portugese used to distribute these languages, in separate rooms, during General Conference.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by russellhltn »

Just to clarify, multiple modulators had their use for multiple languages, but once the satellite receivers have been removed, I can't think of a use case for having more than one.
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Re: Dish Removal and streaming device question


Post by Biggles »

Two questions about this
1. Where has the official information about satellite receivers being withdrawn been published?
2. Or is it on a country by country basis?
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