LDS Channel on Roku
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LDS Channel on Roku
I have been trying to listen to the Book of Mormon on my Roku on the LDS Channel, but there are some problems. Many of the readings cut off before the end of the chapter, many tails go too long, a lot of them also, for some reason, don't continue as others do.
I have been trying to listen to the Book of Mormon on my Roku on the LDS Channel, but there are some problems. Many of the readings cut off before the end of the chapter, many tails go too long, a lot of them also, for some reason, don't continue as others do.
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
I have noticed that as well on the Latter Day Saint Channel on the Roku when listening to the Book of Mormon chapter sections, more recently with Heleman and first few chapters of 3rd Nephi. I wish I knew who to contact to let them know of this issue.
- sbradshaw
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
You could try sending feedback through the Latter-day Saints Channel app, if you have it on your phone, or using the feedback link at the bottom of
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
It's having tech difficulties on roku won't let me listen too the radio
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
Similar problem. Listening to Radio on the Latter-day Saints channel on ROKU works for a few minutes. Then the Latter-day Saints ROKU channel just closes on its own, taking me back to the ROKU home screen. Already tried the suggested fix by removing the Latter-Day Saint Channel, restarting the ROKU, and then adding the channel again. Mind you, we have several ROKU devices in the house. Doesn't matter which one I use. Some play a little longer, some a little shorter, but they ALL automatically close eventually. Maximum streaming time I have had is probably around 15 minutes. Would be great if this issue could be addressed and fixed. My alternate right now is to use YouTube's LDS channel, which works great.
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
We've had the same issue described above. The LDS Channel app closes and goes to the Roku menu at the ending of each song in the radio stations. Like others, I have checked for software updates on our device, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the LDS Channel app, etc. I've stopped using the app for music altogether and use the Sunday playlists I've compiled on Amazon music. Hope this can be addressed and fixed.
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
Experiencing the same things as others. I’m surprised that no one has fixed this bug. for example, on Roku, LDS channel, go to tabernacle choir radio and it will play for a few minutes, maybe, and then shut off and exit the app. It would be great if someone could take care of it. The only other option I can think of is to call church headquarters and asked to be transferred to the department who takes care of this and hope that it would be taken care of.
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
It is possible your problems are with the Roku and not with the radio channel. I did a Google search of the terms _Roku channel exits_ and found this is a relatively common issue with Roku owners. Recommendations centered around making sure your Roku has the most current firmware and is not running with "bandwidth saver" enabled. They also recommend removing the channel, restarting the Roku (or Roku TV if that is what you have), and adding the channel back in.dburke84054 wrote:Experiencing the same things as others. I’m surprised that no one has fixed this bug. for example, on Roku, LDS channel, go to tabernacle choir radio and it will play for a few minutes, maybe, and then shut off and exit the app. It would be great if someone could take care of it. The only other option I can think of is to call church headquarters and asked to be transferred to the department who takes care of this and hope that it would be taken care of.
I don't own a Roku myself, but I often stream from the Gospel Music channel on the browser on Sundays and It usually works well but sometimes it pauses and I have to refresh the browser window and restart it. If I ever pause the stream for a time, I find I must refresh the browser window or the stream only resumes for a few minutes before pausing on its own again.
I believe your best option to get your concerns about the channel reviewed is to report a bug using the feedback link at the bottom of the Gospel Media page.
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
I cannot watch Live General Conference 2023 OCT. on ROKU on the new Gospel Stream. Just does not load. I am quite sure I downloaded the new app.
- Cmanrogers
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Re: LDS Channel on Roku
I have never used it, so I cannot help you there. It is also on YouTube and thats worked nicely for me
Christian Rogers