Address show in wrong location on map.

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Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by guycox »

Our ward directory has the correct address for two members but on the map view in tools it shows the address in the wrong location. We use to be able to move the marker to the correct location but can't do that anymore. How can this be corrected?
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by russellhltn »

The clerk should still be able to move it.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by chriswoodut »

My bishop just asked me about the iOS version showing in the wrong direction. However, on a PC/desktop it is right and on android it looks fine. Any ideas?
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by russellhltn »

Where are you looking? Member Tools, or something else?

Make sure it's the app/web page that's serving up the location and not the phone recognizing an address and trying to be "helpful".
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by Jahedgecock »

I know this is an old thread but I was dealing with this same issue today. The GPS coordinate appears to be tied to the 'ward directory and map' under account. I was able to move the pin location on the ward map which update in the member tools app.

This action of moving the pin seems to change the GPS coordinate the app uses. It does not change the address of the member.
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by greggo »

I'm a stake clerk, and I don't regularly look at mapped households outside ward boundaries, so I'm not sure if this is a new issue or not.

Looking at the map of my ward today, I noticed three households that are mapped outside the ward boundaries even though their addresses should have put them within the boundaries. When I click on an address link, it opens up in Google maps with a totally different address (the incorrectly mapped location). One of these is located in a neighboring ward's boundary and the other two are mapped on the other side of the country. Digging into it, I found that all of these have moved into the ward within the last month. Digging further, I discovered that all three are sisters with nonmember spouses. Two of the three are identified in the new move in list as a "Spouse" with the other as "Head of Household." Membership records of the two identify their spouses as nonmembers, but the other one has incomplete information (no marriage date).

I'm easily able to get these correctly mapped, but I just wanted to post it here to bring it to the forum's attention and find out if it's a more widespread issue before I provide feedback to CHQ.
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by mevans »

I think something is wrong with maps right now. It's not updating the pins with address changes. I just did two address changes for people who are still in the ward and their pins stayed in their old locations. I had to move them. And it asks me to move the pin or enter an address, like it doesn't know the member's address even though it's displaying it to me on the same screen.
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by garystroble »

Map locations have been buggy on and off for years. Right now they are on again and need to be manually corrected as mevans has related.
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by Bradfordbo »

I am experiencing the same issue: Addresses update just fine, but pins don't match the updated address. They can be changed manually.
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Re: Address show in wrong location on map.


Post by davesudweeks »

One possible related thing I have seen is new construction. If the service the church uses to map the address pin has not been updated, the software won't know where to place the pin. For a while, we had a new development under construction in our ward and it took a couple of years before the pins were placed correctly by the software - I had to manually fix each one as members moved into that neighborhood. In my case, Bing maps was updated long before Google maps was updated...

There are several different map services and they update on different schedules. This may not be your specific scenario, but for some it could be a cause of the pins not automatically locating correctly.
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