Sacrament plastic cup orders

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Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by cchang »

How do we go about ordering more Sacrament plastic cups and who orders them? I usually try to keep some extras in the Clerk's office in emergency situations and would like to know how and where to order more.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by eblood66 »

They can be ordered on You have to first log in with a clerk or bishopric calling in order to see the option. Look under Units and Callings > Wards, Branches, Stakes and Districts > Sacrament.

Who orders them may depend on how things are generally handled in your area. In our area the agent ward is responsible to ordering and then bills the other wards in the building for their share. It's usually a clerk in the agent ward who does the actual ordering. However, other areas could have each ward be responsible for their own usage.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by klricks »

In our Stake each Ward orders their own which are kept in the clerks office of each Ward. The problem with that is the Teachers use up the leftover cups from the previous Ward.
Having the agent ward do the ordering and equal billing would be better.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by sbradshaw »

Alternatively, the two or three wards could buy one box each, when cups need to be ordered. That way you don't have to worry about locking up the cups or billing the other wards; and your supply will last longer.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by drepouille »

The online store offers plastic cups in three quantities: 2000, 6500, or 8000. It appears that 2000 cups (81056000) sell for $19. For some reason, I can't select either 6500 or 8000 cups. I can't even see how much they cost. I tried Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by davesudweeks »

The last time I ordered for our wards (July 2019), they were $69.05 for a box of 8000 plus $3.00 shipping. We put the box in the library and when the box in the sacrament preparation room runs out, they pull the box from the library and notify me (we are the agent ward). I order another box and have the other 2 wards transfer 1/3 the cost to our budget to cover their portion.

I have also learned (the hard way) to keep about 10 bags of cups stashed in the cupboard in the clerk's office (I have advised the other wards in our building to do the same). The young men are sometimes not very good at reporting they are out and finding out Sunday morning that we have none doesn't do well for my blood pressure. Keeping a small stash aside allows me to cover a couple of weeks and while more are ordered.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by drepouille »

Yup. My last order, on 12 Dec 2018, also cost $69.05 for a box of 8000 plus $3.00 shipping. I have been ordering 8000 cups every December since the first time we ran out after I became ward clerk. Funny how nobody noticed, or reported the fact that we had run out of cups.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by davesudweeks »

drepouille wrote:Yup. My last order, on 12 Dec 2018...
We go through a box of 8000 cups every 3-4 months. 3 wards in our building.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by supersc »

drepouille wrote:The online store offers plastic cups in three quantities: 2000, 6500, or 8000. It appears that 2000 cups (81056000) sell for $19. For some reason, I can't select either 6500 or 8000 cups. I can't even see how much they cost. I tried Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

Online web ordering has a current bug is what I have concluded. Only can order 2000 plastic at a time... today.
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Re: Sacrament plastic cup orders


Post by davesudweeks »

I sent feedback last night and received an email this morning that they are having some difficulties with their website. They suggested I call the toll free number and order that way.
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