Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media

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Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by karadunk5 »

I am interested in having my family have access to my scripture study after I am deceased as well as share I just share my log-in with them...I am uncomfortable with that...what do you suggest?
Also I am wondering about having a share button option on my scripture study notes so we ( it could valuable to everyone on the system) can share them on Social this possible?
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by sbradshaw »

Currently the easiest way to share a note on social media, from the Church website, is using copy/paste. It's also possible to download all of your notes in a CSV (spreadsheet) file. This is done by going to, and tapping the download button in the top right.

For planning for the future, the Church Account for a deceased member is locked soon after the membership record is updated with a death date. However, the annotations remain on the Church's servers and aren't deleted right away. The spouse or the executor of estate of the deceased member can send a message to the support team (through in-app feedback would be the normal process) and request that the annotations be copied to a new account that the family can access. The process takes a few weeks (approval from legal; verification of relation to the deceased).
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by mevans »

sbradshaw wrote:The spouse or the executor of estate of the deceased member can send a message to the support team (through in-app feedback would be the normal process) and request that the annotations be copied to a new account that the family can access. The process takes a few weeks (approval from legal; verification of relation to the deceased).
It's interesting that the church is willing to do this. Perhaps adoption of the note-taking features is low enough and new enough that the church is willing to do this. I would be concerned that the process will become too time consuming and costly in the future for the church to be willing to do this. I was the trustee for my parents' affairs and it's pretty time consuming to deal with matters like this. Yes, volunteer missionaries could be trained to help, but, as mentioned, you need approval from legal, too. I guess you can have volunteer lawyers.

If this becomes something in which people are interested, the church ought to build in some type of "if I'm deceased, share with..." feature. This would allow a member to designate Church accounts of other individuals with whom the member is willing to share notes upon the member's death. When the death is recorded, the other individuals are notified and given an option to have the notes copied to their accounts, if desired. That would get the church out of the legal verification and copy steps.

Anyway, in the present system, How would notes get copied over? Do the notebooks just get copied over? Would the recipient just get notebooks added "mevans-No Notebook," "mevans-Lessons," etc.?
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by sbradshaw »

In the current process, the entire set of annotations is copied over to a new, unused "friend of the Church" account (i.e. without a membership record number attached), then the username and password is shared with the requester. The requester then owns the account, and can change the username and/or password, share it with other family members, etc.
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by sgardner7 »

Great! Thanks
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by annlukebailey »

The info in this post is very helpful. I too want my children to have access to my notes etc when I’ve passed away and have concerns about the process mentioned to make that happen. Since this initial post is now 2.5 years old, I’m wondering if any changes have been made—-like the suggestions made by karadunk5 to make the process less cumbersome. Please let me know. 😊
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by sbradshaw »

As of today, the process is still the same – a spouse can or executor of estate can request access to annotations from the Gospel Library support team, by sending in-app feedback. After everything is verified, the annotations can be copied to a new Church Account and the credentials for that account are shared with the person who requested them.
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by sbradshaw »

See "Can I access notes created by a deceased family member?" in the Gospel Library FAQ:
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by knid »

Sharing my complete Gospel Library annotation collection with family and friends is very important to me. I recommend three features:

1. Share automatically with named and verified accounts list when I am deceased with no approval needed.

2. Share now with verified accounts list.

3. The above but add the ability for others to annotate my annotations and also reshape as desired.

This is how electronic records need to be passed from generation to generation rather than the current state of them being lost forever to most future generations.

My daughters are anxious about who will inherit my hard copy scriptures so this can help them even sooner.

Imagine the Apostles 20 years from now sharing their complete or partial annotation sets with anyone they choose as soon as they choose!!

Thank you for passing the ideas along to the decision makers.
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Re: Share Scripture Notes with family & on Social Media


Post by jdlessley »

knid wrote: Sun Feb 26, 2023 5:37 am I recommend three features:
Thank you for passing the ideas along to the decision makers.
The Tech Forum is primarily user-to-user discussion and support. There is little chance anyone who has decision authority will ever see this discussion. Those of us moderating the Tech Forum have no inside channel to help or anyone to pass this along to. The best way to get your suggestions to the proper people is by using the feedback link found at the bottom of the page in the footer on most church website pages.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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