I've been sending out emails using LCR pointing to a Google Document shared with only those who have the link for the following reasons:"To help members prepare for the Sabbath, some wards already send an informative email, text, or social media message midweek. In view of this adjustment, we strongly recommend this type of communication. These invitations will remind the members of the Sunday meeting schedule for that week, including the upcoming class lesson topic, and support continuing gospel conversation at home. In addition, the adult meetings on Sunday will also provide information to connect church and home study each week."
- So we can overcome the limitations of the formatting of the "Send a Message" application in LCR.
- "Advertising" of events using posters and flyers can be digitized and not placed in the foyer thereby not distracting members and visitors who are seeking the healing influence of the Lord by coming to church
- If we ever get an affordable SMS texting solution we can point members to this Google Document via text
I'd be interested to know if there are any other tech savvy members who are starting to put more of their weekly communications online rather than in print format. Could you share what you've been doing?
Thanks in advance!