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Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:33 am
by wallaced
I currently serve as the ward clerk. A missionary received his call while living in our ward. His family moved shortly afterward. The gaining ward has not made an attempt to contact CHQ about transferring the missionary's funding account, so my ward has been charged for the past two months, putting this sub-account is in the red, since no one has donated to his account. I have contacted the gaining ward clerk, and my bishop has tried contacting the gaining ward Bishop, but to no avail. So....I assume the stake may pick up the tab for the two months already paid, correct? I don't know from what pot of money the CHQ is drawing from, since there is a negative balance here at the ward level. And how can we talk the new ward into assuming responsibility for this missionary? The members of our ward already support a missionary...l don't think we can support another one. Thanks!

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 9:47 am
by drepouille
When the Funding Unit is changed to the new unit, the mission debt can also be transferred to the new unit. Either an effective date of transfer can be set, or the entire negative balance can be transferred.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:29 pm
by russellhltn
Have you tried contacting CHQ? I'm sure they'll want to check with the gaining bishop first, but I'd do that. If that doesn't work, contact their stake president.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:30 pm
by clarkcito2
How can you change the funding unit? I need to transfer a Missionary account from another ward to mine due to the family moving here. How do I do this?

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:49 pm
by russellhltn
clarkcito2 wrote:How can you change the funding unit? I need to transfer a Missionary account from another ward to mine due to the family moving here. How do I do this?
Contact support. I'm sure they can direct you to the right department.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 8:52 pm
by eblood66
I believe you (or at least the bishop) can do this now using the Missionary Online Recommendation System but I don't have access to that system myself so I can't give detailed directions. The other option is to contact the Global Service Center. In that case your bishop needs to contact the bishop of the other ward to confirm that they will take responsibility.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:39 am
by drepouille
As a ward clerk, I don't see any way to change the funding unit in MORS. Then again, we don't have any missionaries serving right now.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 9:27 am
by eblood66
drepouille wrote:As a ward clerk, I don't see any way to change the funding unit in MORS. Then again, we don't have any missionaries serving right now.
This method was mentioned a couple years ago in another thread but no details there either. But I'm pretty sure my bishop did our last transfer in MORS. I guess I should ask him to show me.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:47 pm
by johnshaw
I haven't been in the system for a while now, but did know this was a function available, I was talking to our clerk just last week about it and he came back and said sure enough, it was right there, bishop granted him access then they made contact with the other ward.

Re: Moving a missionary funding account

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:46 am
by patrickhewitt
Updated Info - Aug 2021

I recently encountered a situation where a Missionary had her records in our ward but the parents/members were unable to donate/pay funds into her mission fund - and they did not appear in our financial records as our Wards Missionary. I learned through a search in this Forum there is a link under APPLICATIONS in .org called Missionary Online Recommendation System (MORS). Because her records are in our Ward I was able to see her name listed, along with other missionaries from our Ward showing information about HOME UNIT, FUNDING UNIT, and SUBMITTING UNIT. Apparently when the Church invoices for missionary expenses they submit those to the FUNDING UNIT - which by default is associated with the SUBMITTING UNIT. This individual had submitted her mission papers while at BYU so our Ward was NOT identified as the FUNDING UNIT. Through MORS is was able to submit a request to have our Ward be the FUNDING UNIT. This then automatically generates an email request for the current FUNDING UNIT to approve (i.e. the Bishop). Once the FUNDING UNIT change is/was approved by the Bishop of the SUBMITTING UNIT the missionaries information was changed within MORS. Please note however - our Ward will NOT see her as one of our missionaries, and will not appear in our financials records (or under donations) UNTIL the next invoice is sent by Church HQ - which is typically the 1st Thursday of each month. Hope this helps all those with similar questions/challenges.