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Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:55 am
by eveaorr
I can't seem to find a way to remove highlighting or underlining once I've put it in my scriptures. When I tried, the highlighting got darker instead. It looks terrible and is a great distraction. How can this be done?

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:42 pm
by sbradshaw
To remove a highlight, do a quick tap on the highlight, then tap the "Remove" button on the menu that pops up. If you have multiple highlights on top of the first, you'll need to repeat a few times (for each highlight deleted, you should see the color getting lighter).

It sounds like you've created several highlights on top of the first by accident, by long-pressing to select text, instead of doing a quick tap to select the highlight. The trick is to do a quick tap instead of long-pressing.

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:57 pm
by shurst4901
I clicked on the highlighted verse, no menu item popped up. And I can't see anything on any of the standard icon menu items that might delete the colors on the verse

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:10 pm
by jdlessley
shurst4901 wrote:I clicked on the highlighted verse, no menu item popped up.
Was that a left mouse click or a right click? sbradshaw's description is for a touch screen and the equivalent for a mouse/touch pad is a left click.

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:41 am
by mevans
Some other things to consider:
- Sometimes the highlighting mechanisms are broken.
- Sometimes you may be presented with a different user experience, as the church periodically experiments with changes.

If you have more than one web browser or computer, you might try different browsers and computers to see if the experience is different.

If you're really stuck, see if you can find your highlight in the Notes tool. You might be able to delete it there when you aren't able to delete it from within the highlighted text itself. However, if you didn't tag it or make a note, I think it may not appear in the Notes tool.

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:35 am
by amandaedgar7
I have high light in scriptures on the use the delete, but I can't use the remove tab so how can I get to show up so I can use it.

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 10:49 am
by sbradshaw
amandaedgar7 wrote:I have high light in scriptures on the use the delete, but I can't use the remove tab so how can I get to show up so I can use it.
If you click on an existing highlight, you should see an annotation menu appear, which has an option to remove the highlight.

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:32 am
by mevans
sbradshaw wrote:
amandaedgar7 wrote:I have high light in scriptures on the use the delete, but I can't use the remove tab so how can I get to show up so I can use it.
If you click on an existing highlight, you should see an annotation menu appear, which has an option to remove the highlight.
Sometimes the option to delete an existing highlight in the scriptures doesn't work. In that case, the only way I've found to remove a highlight is find it in the Notes app and delete it from there.

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:35 pm
by lindamariagarcia
I was reading my scriptures online, at the church's website. I was not able to delete my unwanted highlights. :shock:

I clicked (single-short) on the highlighted verse, which brought up the side panel showing my highlighted text, I had highlighted more than once. The instruction bar over the side panel says "Select one." Once I selected one of the highlighted texts (it doesn't make clear if you are selecting it to use or delete), the side panel goes away and leaves you back at the main page, with no changes. The verse(s) remains highlighted with the option menu open next to it, but the delete icon within it is greyed out. Very frustrating after a while. :cry:

Here was my fix. I grabbed my phone, went into the Gospel Library App and repeated the process. After clicking the highlighted verse(s) that I wanted to change, and selecting one of the highlighted verse(s) in the side panel that comes up, it sent me back to the main page. This time the delete icon in the options window by my highlighted verse(s) was available. I could delete here (trash icon), and repeat the process until I only had the highlighting that I wanted.

I hope this helps anyone who is reading their scriptures through the church website, and has a problem with that platform. My solution was making the changes through my phone's App. :D

Re: Removing Highlighting in Scriptures

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:36 am
by mevans
lindamariagarcia wrote:I was reading my scriptures online, at the church's website. I was not able to delete my unwanted highlights. :shock:

I clicked (single-short) on the highlighted verse, which brought up the side panel showing my highlighted text, I had highlighted more than once. The instruction bar over the side panel says "Select one." Once I selected one of the highlighted texts (it doesn't make clear if you are selecting it to use or delete), the side panel goes away and leaves you back at the main page, with no changes. The verse(s) remains highlighted with the option menu open next to it, but the delete icon within it is greyed out. Very frustrating after a while. :cry:

Here was my fix. I grabbed my phone, went into the Gospel Library App and repeated the process. After clicking the highlighted verse(s) that I wanted to change, and selecting one of the highlighted verse(s) in the side panel that comes up, it sent me back to the main page. This time the delete icon in the options window by my highlighted verse(s) was available. I could delete here (trash icon), and repeat the process until I only had the highlighting that I wanted.

I hope this helps anyone who is reading their scriptures through the church website, and has a problem with that platform. My solution was making the changes through my phone's App. :D
I've sometimes seen this problem with the online gospel library. Sometimes you need to try a couple of times or try another day. It can be frustrating. Another option to try is using the Notes app on the website. If you can find both of your entries there (it helps if you use tags), then you may be able to delete it there.

I'm curious...are you using a Mac and Safari web browser? They fixed some highlighting problems there in the past but they came back. It's very easy to get multiple highlights on the same passage when using Safari. I've given up trying to use Safari for Gospel Library study.