Smart TVs?

Discussions about using TVs, projectors, laptops, tablets, smartphones, DVD Players and other media players in meetinghouses including standards, management, how to connect to them, proper use, and support.
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Smart TVs?


Post by craiggsmith »

We are going to get a couple new large TVs. Is there any reason to get a smart TV? Can you stream church videos directly through any of them?
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Re: Smart TVs?


Post by russellhltn »

Attempting to stream video via the meetinghouse internet is not advised - at least not under normal conditions. It's OK during stake conference when you turn off all the APs.

If you can find one that will play back from a memory device, and has a useable interface, that might be a consideration. (If you can figure out how to secure the storage.)
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Smart TVs?


Post by craiggsmith »

russellhltn wrote:Attempting to stream video via the meetinghouse internet is not advised - at least not under normal conditions.
Yes, I know, but it’s hard to get the word out to everyone, and sometimes you have unplanned situations. But I’m also thinking of things like baptisms where bandwidth isn’t an issue

I know there used to be the Roku channel but I think that went away, and I assume you’d have to have an account anyway. I assume there’s no other way?
Saint George, UT
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