iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?

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iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by alandd »

In my initial playing with version 2.0 on my iPad, I don’t see a way to cast the presentation to a Chromecast device. The user guide for iOS seems to confirm this. The guide describes using AirPlay and does not mention casting to a receiver that doesn’t support AirPlay.

Does the new version not support casting to a non-AirPlay device? Or did I miss how to do it?
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by sbradshaw »

Yes, you can cast to Chromecast from LDS Media Library for iOS. Make sure you're on the same network as the Chromecast, or nearby. If you don't see the Chromecast icon, try force-closing and reopening the app. The Chromecast icon should appear in the top right. Note that the Chromecast button is inside LDS Media Library – not in the iOS control center where AirPlay is.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by alandd »

Thank you for the clarification. I’ll use it tonight.
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by alandd »

I have test casting to Chromecast from iOS. As you said, the cast icon appears when viewing an item in a presentation. This is good! However, the cast icon does not appear in presentation mode.

Is this a bug or a feature not yet implemented?
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by sbradshaw »

alandd wrote:I have test casting to Chromecast from iOS. As you said, the cast icon appears when viewing an item in a presentation. This is good! However, the cast icon does not appear in presentation mode.

Is this a bug or a feature not yet implemented?
I think it may not be implemented there, but as a workaround, you can turn on cast from any of the other screens (like the list of presentations), then start the presentation, and your presentation will cast. Initiating cast while in presentation mode would be a good suggestion to send as feedback (Settings > Send Feedback).
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by alandd »

OK, I played enough to know how to use casting to Chromecast from iOS (iPad or iPhone). It is a little weird. Some of the people in my ward will be confused but I'll work them through it.
sbradshaw wrote: ... as a workaround, you can turn on cast from any of the other screens (like the list of presentations)...
The cast button only appears when viewing an item on the device. It does not appear on the list of presentations or on the list of items in a single presentation. You have to open one of the presentation items, as if to add a note. When that one item is open, the cast icon appears in the upper right.

When you hit the cast icon and select the cast destination, the item you were viewing will cast to the TV. But, it is not in presentation mode at this point, it is only casting the one item.

So, close the one item to return to the list of items in your one presentation. Now click the presentation start button and the presentation will cast to the TV in presentation mode.
sbradshaw wrote: ... Initiating cast while in presentation mode would be a good suggestion to send as feedback (Settings > Send Feedback).
Yes, I will send feedback about this clunky way of casting.

Thanks for the help!
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by koohlman »

So I am just wondering is the PM group going to start supplying buildings with chromecast devices for the TVs or is that still the responsibility of the wards?
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by russellhltn »

koohlman wrote:So I am just wondering is the PM group going to start supplying buildings with chromecast devices for the TVs or is that still the responsibility of the wards?
We're rarely told about new things in advance.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by alandd »

koohlman wrote:So I am just wondering is the PM group going to start supplying buildings with chromecast devices for the TVs or is that still the responsibility of the wards?
The ward or stake will be providing these, I think.

The more important issue is the Wi-Fi capacity of the buildings. If there are several TVs all with cast devices, the current Wi-Fi in most building will be overwhelmed, even if everyone downloaded videos and such before they came to church.

The journey to being all electronic in our presentations will require network upgrades at the buildings.
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Re: iOS to Chromcast in 2.0?


Post by johnsherwood65 »

Hi, I have an iPad iOS 12.4.1 able to use Chromecast to cast from the youtube app but no icon appears in the library app? When a play a scripture or watch a video.
It works fine on my android phone.

Any help would be a blessing Thanks
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