Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen

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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by jdlessley »

sharpal wrote: Mon Oct 28, 2024 4:41 pm October 2024 I can't get in either. I try to log in and I just get an error
What does the error message say? There is a possibility the Church Account you used to sign in did not have your membership record number (MRN) recorded in the profile. Being able to sign into with a nonmember Church Account (no MRN recorded in profile) works just fine. Try checking whether you have access to either the Calendar or the Ward Directory and Map in the Resources menu. Those require a member Church Account (MRN recorded).

There are also cookie issues that may be creating issues. Try using incognito mode / private window to see if that works.
JD Lessley
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by mo10taylor »

I'm also having issues here. I just get a loading screen with a redirect scms commerce microsoft auth URL and it goes back to whatever the previous page in the store was, still as a guest rather than logged in. I've tried multiple browsers, incognito, clearing cookies and caches, and different devices.
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by p4lfr3y »

Same here. Tried on several browsers. All require to sign in, which I've done, and then sends me back to a page that says I need to sign in. Which I do, but instead of taking me to the log in page it loops back to the "If you are not seeing the expected results, please sign in to view Men's Garments products." I hope this gets fixed.
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by davesudweeks »

It worked just fine earlier today for me. When I navigated to the online store from my signed-in account on the church website, I had to sign-in again but this is normal behavior for the online store.
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by lmitten »

Also getting the same error and reloading the homepage but not actually letting me in. Anyone ever find a fix for this?
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by jdlessley »

lmitten wrote: Fri Nov 08, 2024 10:49 pm Also getting the same error and reloading the homepage but not actually letting me in. Anyone ever find a fix for this?
Can you further describe what is happening? What do you mean by not letting you in?

Even without signing in I have access to all areas that are not restricted to membership. But for areas accessible only to members, such as the clothing sections then I get an error message. For example when I try to access the men's garments section I get the "If you are not seeing the expected results, please sign in to view Men's Garments products" message. In the other areas I am not required to sign in until attempting to add items to the order cart.

After signing in I have no problems in any online store areas. But note that even if I signed into the Church website and use a link from there to the online store I still must sign in again at the online store to add items to the order cart or to enter member access only areas.

If you provide a description of when, or at what point, you encounter problems and any error messages you may get, then we may be able to help with some troubleshooting. If you are not in the U.S. or Canada areas, then please let us know what area you are in. Some areas may experience issues when others do not.
JD Lessley
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by kim24416 »

same problem. I'm a newly called ward clerk. no problem signing into and accessing LCR, but when I click on reports / purchase materials I'm redirected to the church store where I'm unable to login. after clicking 'sign in' my browser is momentarily redirected (presumably to a login screen - but that screen is never displayed) before returning me to the previous screen - all in less than a second or two. I'm using chrome on my personal windows 11 computer. but the problem was exactly the same using Microsoft edge or the clerk's office computer (also windows 11 with chrome). I tried chrome incognito mode but it was the same problem. pls help - gotta get these YW emblems ordered!
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by BrianEdwards »

kim24416 wrote: Sat Nov 09, 2024 9:19 am same problem. I'm a newly called ward clerk. no problem signing into and accessing LCR, but when I click on reports / purchase materials I'm redirected to the church store where I'm unable to login. after clicking 'sign in' my browser is momentarily redirected (presumably to a login screen - but that screen is never displayed) before returning me to the previous screen - all in less than a second or two. I'm using chrome on my personal windows 11 computer. but the problem was exactly the same using Microsoft edge or the clerk's office computer (also windows 11 with chrome). I tried chrome incognito mode but it was the same problem. pls help - gotta get these YW emblems ordered!
Can your Bishop access that page? It seems like there's a few Forum members experiencing this, but there's lots of others who are successfully ordering materials like that.

Whenever something like this comes up, I'm always interested in knowing if "it's just me". For example, if the Bishop can successfully access the church store on a computer, can you try the same thing with your login on that same computer? Just trying to get more data points to help diagnose if it's truly your church account, or something else less obvious.
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by mtolney »

I'm having the same issue.

I log in to the church website where I can access Leader and Clerk Resources, Donations ...
When I go to Online Store,

it shows that I'm not logged in. When I login it tries to access the following website:
https://scmscommerceecomd365.b2clogin.c ... 2/authresp
and gives the message 'Bad Request', and still I'm not logged in

Also tried incognito mode but no luck.

My location is Australia.

Is there a solution to this?
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Re: Signing is is okay...access to online store won't happen


Post by bcoray »

Same problem here trying to order garments. Login process is an endless loop. Enter credentials and it reverts back to an error saying:

Results for Men's Garments
If you are not seeing the expected results, please sign in to view Men's Garments products.

I try signing in again and it goes back to this page. It has been doing this since Nov 6.
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