Emerging Technology Company

This forum will hold posts about new technologies and how they could be or are being used to benefit the Church.
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Emerging Technology Company


Post by Timmyshwagg »

Hey Everyone!

Just wanted to let you know we recently started a company that is focusing on emerging technologies and the Gospel. https://www.earthfamilygames.com/

Our first product is an action adventure RPG called Adventures of Nephi https://indd.adobe.com/view/50e3d673-57 ... 200e12a4dd I've been in the gaming industry for over 15 years and have a Unity Game Developer Certification. Also have some VR/AR mobile training and deployment experience. The company is starting up and we could always use help, so if anybody is interested in helping, let me know. I'm more a pipeline/ 3D designer than a coder, but I do enjoy talking about mechanics and pipeline set-up.

-Tim :ugeek:
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