Photos from older Ensigns

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Photos from older Ensigns


Post by lamb07 »

Hello. I'm seeing references to photos in older Ensign articles. Are those stored online digitally? NOT the Gospel art photos - more specifically the photos from articles. There is no pdf download. For example, I'd love to see these photos from ... h?lang=eng

Catherine Lamb
(Living in Shanghai China without a real meetinghouse library)

[photos] Photography by Vern Hancock, Robyn Chavez, and Lloyd Burton

[photo] Andy Mair came with his family to Nauvoo to help rebuild the temple.

[illustrations] Illustrated by Paul Mann

[photo] Watching the new temple take shape became a part of Amanda Smith’s daily routine.

[photo] Remembering how it felt to be part of the special cornerstone-laying ceremony, Hans Smith, Jared Brown, and Bishop Merlin Reittinger (left to right) of the Nauvoo Illinois First Ward get a glimpse of how the Saints may have felt at the original cornerstone ceremony.

[photo] Tanisha Lambert, Joanne Church, and Lisa Church (left to right) are pleased to watch the temple take shape like the original did in the days of the Prophet Joseph.

[photo] Knowing her grandfather built some of the windows helps Ashlie Wilson appreciate the craftsmanship that’s gone into the temple.

[photo] The Aaronic Priesthood is well represented by Hans Smith and Drew Downs (front) and by Isaac Day, Dallin Hitchcock, Jared Brown, and John Hasek (rear, left to right).
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Re: Photos from older Ensigns


Post by rmrichesjr »

I gather you are acquainted with the hieroglyphic of a circle surrounding a downward-facing arrow being a download button. Also, for some more recent articles, that button has a PDF option that will allow you to view and/or download the PDF of the original magazine layout. (I had not been acquainted with the meaning of that hieroglyphic until it was recently pointed out to me in response to feedback I sent that original layout PDF would be useful.)

Ahhhhh, found it! From that article page, if you click on the blue 'May 2002' link toward the top of the page, it will take you to the table-of-contents page for the May 2002 issue of the New Era. Immediately above the list of articles, on the right-hand edge of the table, there is a similar hieroglyphic. From that button, the 'text' option will let you download a PDF of the whole issue, which includes the pictures and everything else in the original layout. The pictures might not have the highest resolution, but at least they're there. You might get different resolution of the pictures with different PDF viewers.

On a somewhat related topic, during or shortly after completion of construction of the Nauvoo Temple, Deseret Book sold a CD that contained time lapses of the construction (IIRC, including a spider caught in the webcam). I don't know whether Deseret Book still has it in new condition, but it might be available on the online used market. I don't recall whether the CD also contained pictures other than from the actual construction itself.
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Re: Photos from older Ensigns


Post by rsly75 »

Why are none of the pictures showing up... the online magazines feel empty and not as powerful with the pictures missing. There’s a reason why they have pictures in magazines and books. Please find a way to bring g them back.
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Re: Photos from older Ensigns


Post by jdlessley »

rsly75 wrote:Please find a way to bring g them back.
The forum is primarily user-to-user help and support. We can discuss it, but that is the extent of our capabilities. The official method to get something like this before those who can look into it is to use the feedback link found at the bottom of the page(s) with the issue(s).
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Photos from older Ensigns


Post by russellhltn »

rsly75 wrote:Why are none of the pictures showing up... the online magazines feel empty and not as powerful with the pictures missing.
Where are you seeing them missing? Depending on the time era they're from or the medium, there's likely a reason they're missing.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Photos from older Ensigns


Post by rmrichesjr »

I don't know whether it's still there, but some time ago there was a way to view a PDF of a whole issue of a magazine. The PDFs always included the pictures--if there's still a way to find the PDFs.
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Re: Photos from older Ensigns


Post by crashtestrider »

Still learning from this post here in 2024. Never knew the option on the top right corner to download a pdf would give me the magazine pages with images! Somehow, I figured it would be just text. Thanks to those who helped. I have been frustrated with not being able to see the images/layout for years, but no longer!
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