Tithing and Donation Problems

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Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by Jamesriches »

My wife and I are heading to China in a couple weeks. The branch there took our records and put them into their directory without asking.

I was going to pay tithing and donations this last time before we left but it wouldn't let me because my membership is over in China.

My father in law just so happens to be our bishop so I talk to him about it and he goes on his phone and requests my wife's membership and mine back to our ward.

I checked an hour later and our records were there. I tried to donate again but it seems that the website still does not allow me to donate. I know I can just go to church and pay the old way but I would like to know why it has been disabled.

Thank you!
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by russellhltn »

Jamesriches wrote:I checked an hour later and our records were there. I tried to donate again but it seems that the website still does not allow me to donate.
There might be a time lag. I know when someone gets called to a new leadership calling, there can be a delay of up to 24 hours before they gain rights to the on-line resources their calling provides.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by Jamesriches »

I will try it when I have reached the 24 hour mark. I can wait a couple days. Thank you! I hope that works.
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by lajackson »

Jamesriches wrote:I will try it when I have reached the 24 hour mark.
I think overnight is the key meeting time for computers, since they do not have to keep missionary hours. If you were trying yesterday, it might already work today.

And if you are temporarily out of the country and will keep your U.S. bank account, you might wish to contact the Donations Department after your records are moved back in-country to see if they can flag your account so that you may continue to donate online.
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by grammapat »

I've been paying my tithing online for sometime. I have my user name and password written in a book but this morning I can't get in. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by jdlessley »

grammapat wrote:I've been paying my tithing online for sometime. I have my user name and password written in a book but this morning I can't get in. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
The problem may be a temporary problem with the server. Since you posted yesterday you may be able to get logged in today. If not, please let us know what error message you get or any other specific details of how you are trying to get logged in.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by rwpowers »

I am a ward clerk. People come to me saying that they make donations online but they do now show up on the tithing settlement statement. I understand there has to be a link between their donations and their log in. How do I proceed?
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by russellhltn »

There are several issues. One, their LDS Account must have their MRN connected to their account. Second, by default, they can't see donations made by their spouse. Third, depending on how you're printing the statements, the donation may have been made after the cutoff.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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change update bank account


Post by Siub »

I have a problem to change bank account , saving account to checking account and I did erased saving account the put new checking account , there is not work click on make it my default account, it is locked ? And also not work click on little box for me to mark X I agree is not work , it is locked ?

Look forward to hear from you as soon as possible ! Thanks !
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Re: Tithing and Donation Problems


Post by jcaranda2002 »

I have tried to make an online donation multiple times on different browsers. It lets me put all my bank info in, but will not let me check the “I agree” box (even after I have scrolled to the bottom of the “terms and conditions” field). It won’t let me submit the transaction, likely because the box is unchecked due to an unforeseen error that prevents me from checking it. I am so frustrated by this point I’m ready to just give up and continue to pay by hand. Technology is supposed to be easier, but it’s frustratingly temperamental. I always forget to bring my tithing to church, so I can go weeks without paying. This online method would be good for both myself and the church to receive more reliable, timely payments.
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