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Assign make up work on myseminary. Help

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:22 am
by Kentopher
How do I assign make-up work so that my students can see it on the myseminary web app?

I can assign reading, lessons, and even add notes but I don't know how to assign make up work for students that need it.

Re: Assign make up work on myseminary. Help

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:51 am
by lajackson
Kentopher wrote:How do I assign make-up work so that my students can see it on the myseminary web app?
I believe you will need to ask your stake Seminary supervisor. Unless someone here is also a Seminary teacher and knows the answer, I do not think you will find your answer here at the Forum. Sorry.

Re: Assign make up work on myseminary. Help

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:15 pm
by bjpeak
Kentopher wrote:How do I assign make-up work so that my students can see it on the myseminary web app?

I can assign reading, lessons, and even add notes but I don't know how to assign make up work for students that need it.
In the desktop version of WISE, click on the "Classes" tab, then select your class. The default view is the "Attendance" view. Click on the "Session Details" link in that same menu space. Once that has loaded, you may need to choose the "Show All" in the "Show Week(s)" drop down menu. From here, expand the week you wish to add information for. When you see the day you wish to add "Make Up" work for, click the "Edit" link. Type what you want the parents to see in the MySeminary app for the Make Up work and click the "Save" button. What you see in my picture is the Home Study lesson for the student to read, complete the questions, and then email to the teacher (me). I find this Session Details section very helpful. The in-class lesson number can be supplied and the make up work for every day can be added ahead of time. When done this way, the parents/students know what lesson will be covered ahead of time and when a student is absent, the make up work is already there for them to see. Good luck.

Re: Assign make up work on myseminary. Help

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 10:22 am
by naomitrefethen
How can i access what my seminary teacher has assigned me?