Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by russellhltn »

In what I thought was a flash of inspiration, I searched for "random menu generator". The results were more entertaining than useful. :/

Refining my search, I did find 15 Tips for Better Weekly Meal Planning

And of course, Pinterest to the rescue.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by kelleyhaggard »

It appears that everyone has no idea how to answer your question. I am also very surprised that nobody has done this on the past or they are unwilling to share or have tead your question. I had exactly what you wanted and can not find it anywhere. I will keep looking. It broke down items in the store house for breakfast, lunch, and dinner using only the items available. I wish the church would have an online app that would assist in this effort. It would be more productive for all. If i find it i will postbit. If you find something that is useful please share.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by LisaKeck »

What a good idea! Did you ever find one?
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by lugenelancaster »

LisaKeck wrote:What a good idea! Did you ever find one?
Not yet.

Still hoping someone can help.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by Michael_Newman »

LisaKeck wrote:What a good idea! Did you ever find one?
Both my wife and I are still waiting for someone to help. So far, no 2-week detailed sample menus that show the food items and the serving sizes in order to figure out what size of commodity is needed to fit the menu on a bishop's food order.

Once the details are provided, then the next step toward self-reliance would be to help with local food coupons, sales, buying in season without having to pay higher prices out-of season, and a host of smart shopping.

In the 1970's this was all standard teaching. But somehow in 1995 (when the internet started) everything must have gone "poof".
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by Lmow »

As a new Relief Society President I need the same thing. I am very conscious of my responsibility in administering the Lords assets sparingly and responsibly. Unfortunately I do not have a degree in dietary services. I have looked everywhere I can think of for a basic menu plan for 1 person for 2 weeks. Since I find none I have to resort to gut instinct. I hope someone who is good with dietary needs and spreadsheets will come up with a cheat sheet. I know there are some available at cost, but the cost is not minimal.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by russellhltn »

Lmow wrote:As a new Relief Society President I need the same thing.
I'd suggest consulting with the Stake Relief Society President

Handbook 2: 15.4.1: The principal responsibilities of stake auxiliary presidencies are to assist the stake presidency and to instruct and support ward auxiliary presidencies.

Handbook 2: 9.8.2: Members of the stake Relief Society presidency ensure that ward Relief Society presidents understand welfare principles and that they understand their role to help bishops in welfare matters.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by Michael_Newman »

russellhltn wrote:
Lmow wrote:As a new Relief Society President I need the same thing.
I'd suggest consulting with the Stake Relief Society President

Handbook 2: 15.4.1: The principal responsibilities of stake auxiliary presidencies are to assist the stake presidency and to instruct and support ward auxiliary presidencies.

Handbook 2: 9.8.2: Members of the stake Relief Society presidency ensure that ward Relief Society presidents understand welfare principles and that they understand their role to help bishops in welfare matters.
Unfortunately, no one on the stake level has any 2-week menu samples for a bishop's order. The principles are well understood, as when a child is instructed to "eat a balanced meal". But when some "children" ask about a two-week menu - all they get is a reminder to eat a balanced meal.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by russellhltn »

Michael_Newman wrote:Unfortunately, no one on the stake level has any 2-week menu samples for a bishop's order.
Understood, but the official line of support for a ward is to go to the stake. If they don't know, they have line of authority to ask.

As much as we try to help, LDSTech isn't an official line of support for that. If nothing has been published, we have nothing to refer to.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order


Post by KimPacker »

I have been asked by my Bishop to do my first training. I created these as template. Hopefully they can be of help to others.
Meal Planning.docx
One week menu
(12.35 KiB) Downloaded 714 times
Food Order Form.docx
List of current church items available.
(14.2 KiB) Downloaded 621 times
Meal Planning Lesson.docx
Lesson overview to teach meal planning, taken from church curriculum
(16.7 KiB) Downloaded 613 times
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