NSF Check Question

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NSF Check Question


Post by ucsutah-p40 »

I have a donation that a member wrote for $4500 for tithing and $4000 of it bounced. How do i correct it so the member has $500 in the tithing donation. (The member was aware of the bounced check)

Do I create a new single batch, or in the next Sundays batch and put in the $500 donation for that particular member. So at least he has $500 that went through his donation. Then do i notify Salt Lake of that particular change? I am kind of nervous to put it in a Sundays batch because of the missing check. I have the nsf check that was sent back as well. I would like to get this done by the end of the year.

Any help would be appreciatiated thanks. I have it on my reconciliation statement on Temporary items and would like to clear this up.

thanks for your help
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Post by aebrown »

ucsutah wrote:I have a donation that a member wrote for $4500 for tithing and $4000 of it bounced. How do i correct it so the member has $500 in the tithing donation. (The member was aware of the bounced check)

Do I create a new single batch, or in the next Sundays batch and put in the $500 donation for that particular member. So at least he has $500 that went through his donation. Then do i notify Salt Lake of that particular change? I am kind of nervous to put it in a Sundays batch because of the missing check. I have the nsf check that was sent back as well. I would like to get this done by the end of the year.

Any help would be appreciatiated thanks. I have it on my reconciliation statement on Temporary items and would like to clear this up.
You cancel the $4000 on the original donation in MLS by going to View/Update Donations, finding the correct donation batch, then finding his donation, and changing the tithing amount from $4500 to $500. You return the check to the donor -- you do not redeposit it, so you don't need to create any new batch. Simply correct the original batch. When you next do a Send/Receive the correction will be automatically transmitted to Church Headquarters.

If the donor wants to make a donation before the end of the year to make up the canceled amount, they have to give it to a member of the bishopric on or before December 31, or mail it with a postmark on or before December 31.
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Post by Mikerowaved »

I'm certain your question was using hypothetical amounts, right? We wouldn't want to post anyone's real financial data here. ;)

In addition to what Alan said, MLS will also require you to alter the funds amount to match the corrected donation. For example, if the donation was made using 2 checks of $4000 and $500, you would delete the $4000 one. Be sure to give the reason for the adjustment in the pop-up screen.
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