Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on

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Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by veehb »

I just spent time on trying to find contact information for the missionary department. I could find no links to that department or to any information regarding full-time missionary service.

We want to call a senior couple in our stake as full-time missionaries who would live in their home and serve in our stake. As a stake executive secretary, I was able to find that contact information on CDOL. But members of the church without a calling like this don't have that access.

I believe that many potential full-time missionaries including senior couples have questions to be answered prior to formally requesting or accepting a call to missionary service.

Is there a place on where they can go for more information regarding full-time missionary service. I would think that such a link would save many phone calls and inquiries to the Church Missionary Department. If there is such a link, I suggest it be put in the directory on so that it can be accessed.

Thank you!
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by lajackson »

veehb wrote:Is there a place on where they can go for more information regarding full-time missionary service.
From the blue menu banner at the top, select Serve and Teach.
In the drop down menu, middle column (Callings), select Missionary.
In the left column, select the type of missionary you would like to be.

In the situation you mention, the information for a senior couple who serves while living at home is at the Church Service Missionaries link.
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by veehb »

I searched the Church Service Missionary link, but didn't find this type of mission. This couple is considering a call as local a full-time missionary couple, living at home and working in our stake as proselyting missionaries. Their concern is that they would like to go to the MTC in Provo as part of this call. I didn't find that detail in either of the links there for senior missionaries.

I called the MTC in Provo and found out that this type of senior missionary couple could, if they desire, go to the Provo MTC for five days. They would be charged for lodging and food.

Thanks for your reply. It is helpful to know where to go in the future for more information on missionary service.
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by wertdl »

The contact information you are seeking is found on this page:
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by veehb »

Thank you Wertdl, There is some good information there for senior missionaries, but it doesn't address the special mission that they can be called to where they stay at home and serve a full-time mission in their local stake. And, I'm sure the contact number on that page would take me to someone who could answer the questions I had. As I mentioned above, I talked to the missionary department and also to the MTC and have my answer. I use nearly every day and find it most helpful in my calling. But, I find the menu system that is designed for members is somewhat difficult to navigate. If you know which menus to follow and you search diligently, you can usually finally find the information you need, or some contact information. Not sure how they could make it more "user friendly".
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by lajackson »

veehb wrote:Thank you Wertdl, There is some good information there for senior missionaries, but it doesn't address the special mission that they can be called to where they stay at home and serve a full-time mission in their local stake. And, I'm sure the contact number on that page would take me to someone who could answer the questions I had. As I mentioned above, I talked to the missionary department and also to the MTC and have my answer.
I imagine your stake president would have been happy to answer any questions this couple had, as well.
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by veehb »

He asked me to do this search.
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by johncarlovalencia »

Good day Brother/ Sister, I would like to ask help in accessing my Missionary Email. I serve on Philippines Bacolod Mission, from October 2016- October 2018. Yet now I cannot access my Missuonary Email. My Missionary Email is

I do really need to have a access again on my email. I just want to take all my Mission Photos on that email. Because all of my Mission Photos was Deleted because of viruses on my Flash Drive.

I just want to bring back memories through those photos.

Thank you so much
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Re: Is there contact Information for the Church Missionary Department on


Post by russellhltn »

johncarlovalencia wrote:Good day Brother/ Sister, I would like to ask help in accessing my Missionary Email. I serve on Philippines Bacolod Mission, from October 2016- October 2018. Yet now I cannot access my Missuonary Email. My Missionary Email is

I do really need to have a access again on my email. I just want to take all my Mission Photos on that email. Because all of my Mission Photos was Deleted because of viruses on my Flash Drive.
I'd suggest reading this post. Given that you're still within 18 months, you may have a chance.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Late mission tags


Post by holbrookabigail »

Who can I contact about missing missionary tags? I start the Provo MTC soon and my tags haven’t arrived nor any updates on when they should arrive…
Thank you
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