Home/Visiting Teaching performance

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Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by mstauff »

With some of the new features in the last release, performance of the home & visiting teaching site was negatively impacted. Depending on the size of your ward/branch and your browser/device combination, you may be seeing some unresponsive script errors, or just extreme slowness in changing tabs between the households and companionships tabs. Firefox on windows is where we've mostly seen the unresponsive script error. On mobile devices you may see the spinner freeze and just have to wait a long time for the tab switch to take effect. As a workaround on PC's you can try using Chrome, or if you get the unresponsive script error in Firefox you can check the "don't notify me again" box, click "continue" and the page should eventually render. The only workaround on mobile is to be patient, the tab should eventually load.

We've identified the issue, and it should be much improved in our next release (coming "soon").
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by badjammer55 »

I see you are aware of the problem, but it seems more severe than this post suggests because I am receiving "unresponsive script" error in both Firefox and Safari on a mac, and it freezes my browser every time. The only solution is a force quit to the application. I have been unable to enter any home teaching for a while now.
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by mstauff »

We released an update that should eliminate the unresponsive script errors and improve performance when switching between tabs.
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by filenman »

I can never find where to enter results of Home teaching. I’m 2nd counselor in high priests group and ho e teaching supervisor.
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by rmrichesjr »

It looks like this should be it:
  • Leader and Clerk Resources ->
    Organizations ->
    Home Teaching,
    then select the quorum or auxiliary,
    then either Household or Companionships.
I don't want to mess up the records of my own ward, but it looks like the circles for each month should likely change the status for that spot.

Did that work?
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by jatangiora »

Ministering. As a Stake Relief Society President I am often asked if there could be a training session on how to use technology available to organise Ministering. I do not have access to the site for organising ministering of the 8 wards in our stake. My question is ...How can I help others who are frustrated with the site when I haven't a clue what it looks like? Is there a step by step guideline to help in this area?
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by russellhltn »

From the LCR FAQS:
"Stake auxiliary leaders and high councilors are primarily responsible to instruct and support ward auxiliary and Melchizedek Priesthood leaders. They orient newly called ward auxiliary and Melchizedek Priesthood leaders and provide encouragement, support, and instruction. ... It is the ward clerk’s responsibility to train ward auxiliary and Melchizedek Priesthood leaders on record-keeping tools and responsibilities."

As such, I'd focus on topics like principles, motivation, people handing skills, etc. Refer them to the clerk on detail about the mechanics of LCR. Teach from Handbook 2: 9.5 and you'll be fine.

I'm sure there's a help file for LCR, but you may not be able to access it. If you still want to learn about LCR, I'd sit down with one of your ward RS presidents and work beside them to see how it works. You'll likely find that LCR won't support modifications like assigning two pairs (4 sisters) to minister to one sister. Or assigning a trio. LCR supports the Handbook. It doesn't support "local adaptions".
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by johnalfonso »

I've been trying to run the Ministering Report - Ministering Sisters (RS) to identify individuals not interviewed. When selecting Individuals Not Interviewed This Quarter it is reporting sisters who have been interviewed as well as those not interviewed. When I run the same report for the Brothers (EQ), it only shows those not taught. Has anyone else seen this?
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by Hilohi »

I'm unable to see the ministering results for the past year. A blank screen (only the webpage's footer) appears when I choose "Past Year" from the drop-down menu on the respective Ministering Brothers and Ministering Sisters webpages. I've been experiencing this issue for about a month now. Is there a fix for this?
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Re: Home/Visiting Teaching performance


Post by davesudweeks »

Hilohi wrote: Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:32 pm I'm unable to see the ministering results for the past year. A blank screen (only the webpage's footer) appears when I choose "Past Year" from the drop-down menu on the respective Ministering Brothers and Ministering Sisters webpages. I've been experiencing this issue for about a month now. Is there a fix for this?
I see the same, but have never looked back that far before. We had a boundary reorganization within the past year which drove an almost 100% reassignment so I wouldn't expect to see much in our case. You could provide feedback from the page (the official way to report bugs) and see what response you get.
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