Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

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Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by rsidwell »

Our stake just got a new executive secretary, who needs access to the Missionary Online Recommendation System. When he tries to login to that system, he gets a message:
In order to access the Missionary Online Recommendation System you must have both a valid LDS Account (username and password) and a “role” in the system. If you are a prospective missionary, your bishop or branch president must initialize a recommendation for you. If you are a clerk, your priesthood leader must designate you as such in the system. After you have been assigned a “role,” you should be able to log in using your LDS Account. If you continue to experience problems, please click the link Need help signing in? or contact your stake technology specialist.
You have provided an incorrect user name or password.
I am the stake technology specialist, so he contacted me. I worked with him this morning to ensure he has a valid LDS account, and contrary to the last line of the message he did provide the correct user name and password. So the issue must be the missing "role". How do I give him that role? (And if I can't, which wouldn't surprise me, why does the message refer him to me?)
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by eblood66 »

If you are a clerk, your priesthood leader must designate you as such in the system.
The above applies to executive secretaries as well. The stake president needs to give him access. That's done in the Missionary Online Recommendation System itself. It isn't automatic based on callings in LCR.

I think the referral to the STS is for help troubleshooting the problem and figuring out who needs to fix it. Generally these problems can't be fixed by the STS directly.
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by rsidwell »

I think the referral to the STS is for help troubleshooting the problem and figuring out who needs to fix it. Generally these problems can't be fixed by the STS directly.
That makes sense. Thanks! Is there a list of LDS applications somewhere with the available roles in each and how those roles are assigned to help us do this?
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by russellhltn »

rsidwell wrote:Is there a list of LDS applications somewhere with the available roles in each and how those roles are assigned to help us do this?
I don't think so. You'd have to check the help file of each application. Most apps have roles assigned by one's calling.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by sbradshaw »

If you are a prospective missionary, your bishop or branch president must initialize a recommendation for you.
Only the bishop or branch president can give him a role – as a prospective missionary – in the system. He needs to talk to the bishop before starting his mission papers.

EDIT: Disregard this post, I read the original post wrong and thought it was a prospective missionary who needed access.
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by lajackson »

rsidwell wrote:Our stake just got a new executive secretary, who needs access to the Missionary Online Recommendation System.
While he is at it, the stake president will want to remove that responsibility from the previous executive secretary while he is adding the new executive secretary.
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Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by dibroederlow »

I am a regular account user on and I saw my Bishop last week about starting my papers. My Bishop told me that I would have to submit my name and then he will allow me access to the papers. The problem is that whenever I go onto the MOR, it doesn't allow me to log in because it says that I need a role. I've talked to my Bishop about this and he said that with other perspective missionaries he just accepted their request to start mission papers and that I have to submit my name. I just don't know how? Please help! (I've double checked all my info, my membership number and everything!)
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by Biggles »

It's necessary for the Bishop, or a Ward Clerk enabled by the Bishop, to start the process in the Missionary Recommendation system. Until this is done, you won't be able to proceed.
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by Christinesarah »


Dear all I am facing this same issue for a member to send the application form for the Bishop. It show this message
In order to access the Missionary Online Recommendation System you must have both a valid LDS Account (username and password) and a “role” in the system. If you are a prospective missionary, your bishop or branch president must initialize a recommendation for you. If you are a clerk, your priesthood leader must designate you as such in the system. After you have been assigned a “role,” you should be able to log in using your LDS Account. If you continue to experience problems, please click the link Need help signing in? or contact your stake technology specialist.

Can someone help me on this issue Please.
My email address is
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System


Post by russellhltn »

You didn't say exactly where you were getting stuck. The part you quoted covered most of the issues.

There is one detail left out. You not only need to have a Church Account (formerly called a LDS Account), but you must have your MRN attached to it. And it has to be the same MRN that holds the calling or the bishop has started the process for. The MRN is the "glue" that ties everything together.

If they're unable to attach their MRN to their account, please read this post.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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