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Post by russellhltn »

Alan_Brown wrote:But my point is, where do you stop?
IIRC, it seemed like your main suggestion is that we drop all items that are not used on LDSTech. I think that's a good balance.

The obvious follow-up question is how hard will it be to keep it up to date? Would it be possible to set up something to report on words used in all caps that could be run periodically to spot new ones?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by aebrown »

RussellHltn wrote:IIRC, it seemed like your main suggestion is that we drop all items that are not used on LDSTech. I think that's a good balance.
I suppose that's a reasonable argument, but I still would vote against including online acronyms. Just because one of the 30,000 posts from thousands of users happens to use an acronym doesn't make it worthy of inclusion in the wiki. I prefer a link to another site that specializes in such acronyms (although we'd have to be careful about finding a site that tastefully handles the many vulgar variations on these acronyms).
RussellHltn wrote:The obvious follow-up question is how hard will it be to keep it up to date? Would it be possible to set up something to report on words used in all caps that could be run periodically to spot new ones?
If we are going to adopt your proposed standard, maintenance would be unreasonable unless someone could set up such automation. That's certainly not anything a mere moderator could do. Now if only there were an administrator lurking nearby....
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Post by russellhltn »

Alan_Brown wrote:Now if only there were an administrator lurking nearby....
Good thing you said administrator, as I don't think that's something a mere community administrator can do. ;)
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by McDanielCA »

It's worth noting that we decided to include some of those terms on the acronym page for 2 reasons:

1. Employees frequently blog on the main page and therefore some acronyms that seem relevant only to employees become relevant once they're posted in a blog. Some are even just for interest sake. If someone wanted to know where Church employees are housed those would be of interest to them.

2. LDSTech has a few different audiences, one of which are those who are just interested in technology and aren't necessarily community developers or clerks. Although we are (for the most part) a very tech savvy group of people, many of those who read the blog are not.

If you think there's a good addition to the Acronym page please let me know.
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Post by robert747 »

What does CDOL mean in the MLS Tech forum
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Post by aebrown »

lindabelle wrote:What does CDOL mean in the MLS Tech forum
It means Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders.

The wiki's Glossary defines lots of useful abbreviations.
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Re: Definitions/Abbreviations


Post by Marsh85R »

What's mean by https?
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Re: Definitions/Abbreviations


Post by lajackson »

Marsh85R wrote:What's mean by https?
HTTP is Hypertext Transport Protocol, the protocol most often used to transfer information using the World Wide Web. HTTPS is Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure, which combines HTTP with another secure protocol and encrypts Web communications in both directions, making them more secure.

You will normally see http:// or https:// at the beginning of any URL (Uniform Resource Locator, or web address) near the top of your browser. When the S is there, the communication is more secure because it is being encrypted.

These are such common Internet computer terms that they would probably not be added to the Glossary. Detailed definitions of terms such as these can readily be found using a Google search.
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Re: Definitions/Abbreviations


Post by waynecooke »

CUBS: Church Unified Banking System.
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Re: Definitions/Abbreviations


Post by lajackson »

waynecooke wrote:CUBS: Church Unified Banking System.
CUBS: Church Unit Banking Services is already in the Glossary, if that is what you are suggesting.
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