project idea

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project idea


Post by fiskb001 »

Not sure if this is the correct spot in the fourm.

I had this idea almost 6 months ago, and I haven't clue as to why I thought of it now. I have noticed that the church does not release talks and speech on a frequent basis. Normally one maybe two a month. What if we could change this with a open source platform that was produced, and run at the ward or stake level. These talks would be then given to the church for approval.

Once approved the raw video could then be assigned to volunteers who would process the video into its final format.

Once this has been accomplished the church would have access to a wide range of talks and speakers from all around the world.

I know there are a lot of people like me, I would in law informant, and after a bad shift I like to unwind With a good audio book, or church talk. I have a rather long commute and this not only helps me to stay awake, but gives me the opportunity to hear the gospel.

I have work for many years developing online training for my fellow officers in this time I have found that there are lots of budding videographers out there who would love to help.
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Re: project idea


Post by russellhltn »

fiskb001 wrote:These talks would be then given to the church for approval.
And there's the rub - it would likely have to go though the correlation committee before it got released. I'm pretty sure that's a big bottleneck in any plan to elevate ordinary talks to distribution.

I think there's already processes where volunteers will index old videos to make those talks more accessible. You might check in
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Re: project idea


Post by sbradshaw »

There are a lot of good talks, from the weekly BYU devotionals, available at Also, there is some good programming on the Mormon Channel.
russellhltn wrote:I think there's already processes where volunteers will index old videos to make those talks more accessible. You might check in
I wasn't aware of this and didn't see it on the Vineyard site – let me know if you find it again!
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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