New feature allows building schedulers to create events

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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by aebrown »

vlott wrote:The new feature allowing building admins to create events on an LDS Facility calendar means precisely that. They are events, but we are exposing an actual system-managed building calendar to building admin users and allowing them to create true events on that calendar. These events have nothing to do with restrictions.
vlott wrote:If you're a bldg admin only, you'll be able to create a restriction or event. If you create an event, you will see the building in the calendar dropdown. You won't see any other calendars in the dropdown.
I'm confused. I thought these two earlier statements of yours were clear and fit with earlier statements about what building schedulers could do in this new 2.7 version (for example, in the first post of this topic, by Jeff Nelson). It seems quite clear from these statements that building schedulers/admins can indeed create events.

But then you just said the following:
vlott wrote:
russellhltn wrote: 1. What are Building "Schedulers" (as it's called in the calender system) able to schedule without any additional rights?
They are not able to "schedule" any events or reserve any LDS Facility for a meeting. They are able to create (a better term than "schedule") Restrictions, including "Blocked - Location Unavailable" (i.e., not assigned to a unit). But your point is valid, "Building scheduler" heretofore was the wrong term. It should have been "Building Admin".
There, you definitively state that a building scheduler can NOT create an event.

So which is it?
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by vlott »

In the last quote, the question I was answering sounded like it was referring to the current production 2.5 system (not beta 2.7), but I think I was mistaken on that. But in the new beta 2.7 version my first two statements you quoted are correct.

So currently in production - not beta - building admins cannot schedule events (although they were using blocked restrictions as a workaround). As soon as the known issue is fixed in beta, they will be able to create events on the Location Calendar for their assigned building.

Sorry for the mixup.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by kaibua »

I can schedule restrictions and events on open days. I can schedule a private function on an open day, but I cannot schedule a private event on a day restricted for a ward, even though I am the creator of the restriction. If I have a private function (funeral) on a restricted day, I have to schedule it as a ward activity and not as a private function.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by vlott »

Sorry there is no "layering" or prioritization of anything that blocks time on a church building. If there is a unit restriction or there is a scheduled event, there is a conflict. If you need to schedule a funeral or some other event, you will first need to cancel the occurrence of the restriction that falls at that time before scheduling your event.

It's probably a reasonable future enhancement to allow building admins to schedule events over the top of restrictions IF there are no events already scheduled by the unit in the restriction block. But if there are events scheduled then the conflict must be resolved the normal way by un-scheduling any events that conflict.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by russellhltn »

kaibua wrote:If I have a private function (funeral) on a restricted day, I have to schedule it as a ward activity and not as a private function.
Or, you could edit the restriction.

vlott wrote:It's probably a reasonable future enhancement to allow building admins to schedule events over the top of restrictions IF there are no events already scheduled by the unit in the restriction block.
That's the way it used to work. I'm not so sure it will come back.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by aebrown »

vlott wrote:Sorry there is no "layering" or prioritization of anything that blocks time on a church building. If there is a unit restriction or there is a scheduled event, there is a conflict. If you need to schedule a funeral or some other event, you will first need to cancel the occurrence of the restriction that falls at that time before scheduling your event.
I don't think you're addressing the question that was implicitly asked. Note that the post said "I cannot schedule a private event on a day restricted for a ward, even though I am the creator of the restriction. If I have a private function (funeral) on a restricted day, I have to schedule it as a ward activity and not as a private function."

To my reading, that says that he has rights to create ward events, and the restriction is set for that ward. Otherwise it wouldn't work to "schedule it as a ward activity." So it's not correct to say "If there is a unit restriction ... there is a conflict." If the restriction is set for a ward, and an event is being put on a calendar for that ward, then there is no conflict. And in that case, there is no need "to cancel the occurrence of the restriction that falls at that time before scheduling your event."

I'm wondering if the problem is that the private calendar being used to attempt to reserve the building for the funeral is not a ward calendar. Perhaps it is a private stake calendar. If so, that would fit all the details in the original post, and the system would be working properly. In that case, the solution would be to use a private ward calendar to create an event on top of a restriction for that ward.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by russellhltn »

aebrown wrote:In that case, the solution would be to use a private ward calendar to create an event on top of a restriction for that ward.
That's certainly one way to do it. But it would be a less than clean solution if the private event was for someone in a different ward. And I can certainly understand someone wanting to put all private events going though him/her on one calendar.

The alternative is to edit the restriction. Which is what one would have to do if another ward wanted to hold an event at that time and had gotten the OK to do so.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by aebrown »

russellhltn wrote:
aebrown wrote:In that case, the solution would be to use a private ward calendar to create an event on top of a restriction for that ward.
That's certainly one way to do it. But it would be a less than clean solution if the private event was for someone in a different ward.
Of course. But since he seemed willing to put the funeral on a ward activity calendar, it seemed reasonable to assume that the funeral was for that ward. That may or may not be true.

In any case, I wasn't really trying to say what he should or shouldn't do. I was trying to address the reasons why there might have been some confusion about why he couldn't create a private event on top of the restriction, but he was able to create a public event on top of the restriction. That could really only be the case if the public calendar matched the unit of the restriction, but the private calendar did not.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by RBeatse »

After reading all of the comments, and after a disastrous year trying to deal with Restrictions, I am somewhat conflicted about this new Building calendar and its functionality. I schedule all of the buildings in our Stake (for any non-Ward or non-Stake activity). I think we are going to not use Restrictions. We have a Stake calendar called Private Events that only 3 or 4 people can edit and view. All funerals, weddings, family events, etc. go on that calendar regardless of the building that is assigned to the event. We also use it for when we need to lock down a building (like for deep cleaning or refinishing a Cultural Hall floor). Wards and Stake events are put on their individual Ward/Stake calendars. With 11 Wards/2 Branches in 3 buildings it is tough but everyone has been told that "If it is not on the calendar, it isn't happening" and something else could get scheduled over it.
I hope I am not misunderstanding something about how the new calendar works.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by russellhltn »

RBeatse wrote:I schedule all of the buildings in our Stake (for any non-Ward or non-Stake activity). I think we are going to not use Restrictions. We have a Stake calendar called Private Events that only 3 or 4 people can edit and view. All funerals, weddings, family events, etc. go on that calendar regardless of the building that is assigned to the event. We also use it for when we need to lock down a building (like for deep cleaning or refinishing a Cultural Hall floor). Wards and Stake events are put on their individual Ward/Stake calendars. With 11 Wards/2 Branches in 3 buildings it is tough but everyone has been told that "If it is not on the calendar, it isn't happening" and something else could get scheduled over it.
I hope I am not misunderstanding something about how the new calendar works.
That will work just fine.
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