New feature allows building schedulers to create events

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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by russellhltn »

aebrown wrote:In the 2.7 Announcement, it is specifically noted that a known issue is "Problems with Building Schedulers Creating Events." I've been working under the assumption that the ability for building schedulers to create events is not working at all at this point, but that it is indeed intended to work before the beta concludes.

It would be good to hear a confirmation as to whether that assumption is correct, or if not, under what conditions a building scheduler can now create events.
Well, given the statement (emphasis added)
So Joe is made a building scheduler. He logs onto calendar and he can then add events and restrictions to the building in which he has access. Those are the only events he can make. They will not show up on any calendar other then the locations calendar for that building.
I'm coming to a different conclusion, but any enlightenment would be appreciated.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by aebrown »

russellhltn wrote:Well, given the statement (emphasis added)
So Joe is made a building scheduler. He logs onto calendar and he can then add events and restrictions to the building in which he has access. Those are the only events he can make. They will not show up on any calendar other then the locations calendar for that building.
I'm coming to a different conclusion, but any enlightenment would be appreciated.
I don't see any reason to assume anything other than that when the term "event" is used, it really means an event, particularly when one of the statements refers to "events and restrictions." I don't see how it makes any difference that these events don't show up on any calendar other than the calendar they were put on (in this case, the location calendar) -- that statement is true for all events on all calendars. I'd be shocked if that were NOT the case. It makes no sense at all to me to assume that something that is described over and over again as an event is somehow magically a restriction.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by vlott »

The new feature allowing building admins to create events on an LDS Facility calendar means precisely that. They are events, but we are exposing an actual system-managed building calendar to building admin users and allowing them to create true events on that calendar. These events have nothing to do with restrictions.

See also my post here:
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by kisaac »

vlott wrote:The new feature allowing building admins to create events on an LDS Facility calendar means precisely that. They are events, but we are exposing an actual system-managed building calendar to building admin users and allowing them to create true events on that calendar. These events have nothing to do with restrictions.

See also my post here:
As a "building scheduler" and a Stake Default admin, I cannot find or see how I would enter an event on a "system-managed building calendar" or view any such calendar in the beta calendar. I fully understand Restrictions vs Events, and can't create any restrictions in the beta calendar either. I can certainly enter new events on any of the calendars I am an editor for.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by russellhltn »

kisaac wrote:As a "building scheduler" and a Stake Default admin, I cannot find or see how I would enter an event on a "system-managed building calendar" or view any such calendar in the beta calendar.
I'm a STS and a Building Scheduler, so I fall into the same category. When I go to create an event, I have a choice of "Event" or "Restriction". If I select "Event" I can only see stake calendars - presumably because I'm a stake default admin. I can't see any of the three wards that meet at the location I have Building Scheduler rights for. Nor do I see any "building" on the list.

If I select "Restriction", I have the usual choices of selecting a unit or "blocked'. There is no way to place anything the interface calls an "event" on a "building calendar" - only a unit calendar. (But anything placed on any calendar connected with a facility will display when that facility is selected.)

My biggest issue right now is an apparent change in terminology that isn't supported by the beta interface. But we know there's outstanding issues in that area, so I'll have to be patent. Maybe the changes will bring the interface in line with the new terminology which currently is found only in this forum.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by vlott »

There is a known issue in the event/restriction dialog right now preventing building admins from creating events or restrictions correctly. I'm not sure what terminology change you're referring to (an event is still and event and a restriction is still a restriction) but when the issue is fixed:

If you're a bldg admin only, you'll be able to create a restriction or event. If you create an event, you will see the building in the calendar dropdown. You won't see any other calendars in the dropdown. Creating a restriction will be straightforward: pick the unit, pick the LDS facility, pick the time.

If you're both a building admin and a calendar editor (either by assignment or by calling), you'll see in the dropdown: 1) the building calendars for which you're a building admin and 2) the regular unit/auxiliary calendars for which you're an editor. The two calendar types will be clearly differentiated in the dropdown.

Sorry we don't have that quite functional yet - we're working on it right now - but we wanted to get the rest of the calendar out there to start getting feedback from the user base at large on the other changes.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by kisaac »

vlott wrote:I'm not sure what terminology change you're referring to....

If you're both a building admin and a calendar editor...
I'm not quite sure of the "terminology change" russellhltn is referring too, but I'm not sure if we are Building schedulers, building specialists or building admin's in the beta, but I do hope the beta time is long enough for us all to get this straight!
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by vlott »

You can assume that the terms "building scheduler", "building specialist", "building admin" or "building x" are equivalent.
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by russellhltn »

vlott wrote:I'm not sure what terminology change you're referring to (an event is still and event and a restriction is still a restriction)
1. What are Building "Schedulers" (as it's called in the calender system) able to schedule without any additional rights?

2. What is the proper term for Restriction, sub-category: blocked?
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Re: New feature allows building schedulers to create events


Post by vlott »

russellhltn wrote: 1. What are Building "Schedulers" (as it's called in the calender system) able to schedule without any additional rights?
They are not able to "schedule" any events or reserve any LDS Facility for a meeting. They are able to create (a better term than "schedule") Restrictions, including "Blocked - Location Unavailable" (i.e., not assigned to a unit). But your point is valid, "Building scheduler" heretofore was the wrong term. It should have been "Building Admin".
russellhltn wrote: 2. What is the proper term for Restriction, sub-category: blocked?
It's still a restriction and just says that no events can be scheduled at all by any unit in the specified facility at the specified time. I did not understand before that this was the workaround many building admins have been using to "schedule" "events". But I can see how a blocked restriction could be considered to be equivalent to an event with an LDS Facility reserved (the building is unavailable to anyone else to schedule), but that is actually only by coincidence. They still are not the same thing.

I believe that the blocked restriction type was originally intended to close the building off during events such as General Conference, Family Home Evening, etc. But using it as an event scheduler mechanism is more a misuse of the feature and does not communicate to the user what actually is happening. That restriction type should actually probably be removed also to further cut down on confusion.
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