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Post by daxcastro »

I have tried several home teaching apps and they all have major issues, so I decided to develop one of my own. I am launching a kickstarter to develop the funding, but you can see the video of the basic features on the website. I also started a Facebook page and a twitter page.

Does anyone have other ideas as to how I can get the word out about this app?

Thanks in advance.

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Post by aebrown »

daxcastro wrote:I have tried several home teaching apps and they all have major issues, so I decided to develop one of my own. I am launching a kickstarter to develop the funding, but you can see the video of the basic features on the website. I also started a Facebook page and a twitter page.

Does anyone have other ideas as to how I can get the word out about this app?
First of all, it's not appropriate to promote a commercial site on LDSTech, and your post is likely to be removed. Also, it appears that membership data for your app will be stored in the cloud, which runs afoul of section 4.9.4 of the Meetinghouse Technology Policy.

But aside from that, I would note that your timing is not particularly optimal, since the Church just recently announced to clerks and leaders that features for administering home teaching will be coming on by the end of the year.
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Post by daxcastro »

Wow. Okay well I am glad I found out now before I went too much further into this. The info would only be stored on each phone individually, but no matter. Point taken. Thanks for the response.
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Post by aebrown »

daxcastro wrote:The info would only be stored on each phone individually, but no matter.
I was referring to the fact that the promotional video talks about syncing data with Google Docs. That doesn't sound like data is only "on each phone individually."
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Post by daxcastro »

Well the initial contact data would be downloaded from there. The rest is just on your phone. I can see your interpretation though. Right now our elders quorum has a Google doc for each person with their families contact info on it. But the fact that the church is releasing something integrated and will probably connect all the way up the chain into stakes etc. It kinda puts me in a different and lower class.
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Post by russellhltn »

While there are differing interpretations of 4.9.3 of the Meetinghouse Technology Policy, the wording could make any non-church supplied app a tough sell to local leaders.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by sbradshaw »

It looks like you've put a ton of work into this so far, and I have to say – it looks awesome, and has great features! I'm sure there are still many parts of this that will be useful after the church releases their tools for home teaching, which I imagine will be pretty minimal.

I don't see any problem with it from a policy point of view, provided that a) membership info is entered by the user and only stored locally, and b) no member in a ward or stake feels obligated to buy it to fulfill their calling (i.e. from a large amount of pressure from leaders).

As for suggestions, I'll bet Relief Society sisters would want a MyVisitingTeachingApp!
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Post by michaelfish »

aebrown wrote:
the Church just recently announced to clerks and leaders that features for administering home teaching will be coming on by the end of the year
Can you (or anyone else) provide more information about this? I could not find any information about a HT/VT utility coming to, other than something mentioned at the LDS Tech Conference last October.

Are there any additional details you can provide (features or perhaps beta/testing information)?

We are using R&R in our EQ, RS and HP Group and I wish to keep our ward updated on this announcement/new development.
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Post by Biggles »

An official announcement was promulgated via the messages facility in MLS, in mid July.

I would suggest you ask your Ward Clerk to print out a copy of the notice. The notice gives rough timelines, but as we are well aware, these can slip!
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Post by lajackson »

michaelfish wrote:Can you (or anyone else) provide more information about this? I could not find any information about a HT/VT utility coming to, other than something mentioned at the LDS Tech Conference last October.
MLS Message dated July 18, 2014.
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