Missionary Facebook Use/Accounts

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Missionary Facebook Use/Accounts


Post by bensonmcconkie »

I just received my mission call--are there specific guidelines for Facebook use as a full-time missionary? Or is it mission-specific?

Mostly, I'm wondering if I'll need to create a new account, or if I can use my old one.

(I can't find anything about this on lds.org.)
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Re: Missionary Facebook Use/Accounts


Post by Biggles »

We've just had a Stake Conference, where the visiting authority mentioned that full-time missionaries would be using Facebook. No specifics were mentioned, but I think that your Mission President will have all the details on what needs to be done. I'm sure all will be revealed when you start your mission! Just be patient.

Congratulations on your call, by the way!
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Re: Missionary Facebook Use/Accounts


Post by bensonmcconkie »

OK. And, thank you.
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Re: Missionary Facebook Use/Accounts


Post by russellhltn »

I'm not sure as the program has been rolled out world-wide (yet), so at this point I'd assume it's mission-specific.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Missionary Facebook Use/Accounts


Post by bballrob »

My son is currently serving in a Mission that uses iPads and also uses Facebook. When they started using FB on his mission, we received a letter from the Mission President telling us that we were to continue communicating with our son only through email, that we were not to use the Facebook private messaging system. Our son was allowed to use his original Facebook account, but was instructed not to add people from back home to his friends list, although anyone already on the list could remain. He is allowed to add fellow missionaries in his mission, as well as investigators, and communicate with investigators via the FB Messaging system. He periodically posts inspirational messages on Facebook throughout the week.

We got to FaceTime with him on Mother's Day, and he gave us some additional information about the iPad he was issued. They were each given an iPad mini which has specific apps they are allowed to use. The iPads are locked down to prevent them from adding unauthorized apps. They have an app which is essentially their area book, and whenever they get transferred, the area book updates to the newly assigned area. His LDS Tools App includes both our home ward, as well as the ward that he is currently assigned to.
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