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How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:02 pm
by lbrown1949
I can mark my scriptures but how do I unmark or change to color or style?
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2014 2:38 pm
by mevans
Are you using a web browser or Gospel Library on a mobile device?
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:02 pm
by Michaelwhitecpa
I have the same question. I'm using iPhone 5 mobile app. I marked a verse on accident and want to "unmark" it but can't figure out how...?
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:54 pm
by kellymab
Tap on the unwanted marked selection. A menu will appear: style, note, tag, link, copy. Then there is a right arrow. Select the right arrow. "Remove" should then appear.
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:51 am
by lmcguire
Kelly's answer looks like it's for iOS, so I'll post for (since that's the group we're in). There are two ways. Both require you to be logged in.
1. Click the "My Account and Ward" link and choose "Notes" from the drop-down. Find the highlight of interest using the two left panes and click on it to load it in the right-hand pane. Then click the "Delete" option in the upper right corner of that pane.
2. In the chapter where the highlighted verse is, mouse over the highlight. This should open a popup window with highlight color boxes and an option for "Edit Note / Tag". (If you don't get the popup, click in an area of the page that's empty and then mouse over the highlight again.) Click on the "Edit Note / Tag" option and you'll see a trash can icon. Click that to delete the highlight. It will pop up another dialog so you can confirm you really want to delete.
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:52 pm
by Michaelwhitecpa
Thank you both for your replies. I am indeed using an iOS device.
@Kelly. I tried what you have suggested, when I select a word (or verse) which had previously been marked (the "unwanted marked selection")... I see the little pop up with options (they are first, "speak", "mark", "note", "tag"), and the little "right arrow". I click the right arrow and the following options show, "link", "copy", "share", and another "right arrow". I click the right arrow again, and now see options, "define" or "search". So, no remove option for previously marked verses that I now wish to "unmark".
However, I did find to what you were referring. If I am marking a selection "for the first time" (not a previously unwanted marked selection), then... I see the little pop up with options (they are first, "speak", "mark", "note", "tag"), and the little "right arrow"... If I select "mark", it adds a new marking, and the gives the options of first, "style", then "note", then "tag", and then "link"), and the little "right arrow". If I choose the right arrow I now see, "copy", "share", and now "REMOVE" (and the little right arrow). Clicking "remove" here will delete the new marking you are currently making only, but DOES NOT remove any previously unwanted marked selection.
I need to know how to remove marks the were made "previously" (maybe days, weeks, or months ago). Anyone know how to do that?
Thanks again
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:10 pm
by lmcguire
Old highlights should show the same as new highlights, unless, by some fluke, two different logins have used the device and the "old" highlights actually belong to the other login, in which case, you might need to use the other login to delete them.
Also, if you use the method I posted for deleting highlights on, then sync your device (force it to sync, and it will drop anything that's only on the device and pull a "fresh" copy of what's on, that should get the old stuff off the device.
If that doesn't work, I'd recommend checking to see if a similar problem has been posted on the Gospel Library for iOS group:
As a geek, I can't help but advise the following standard troubleshooting techniques (up to you whether to try any):
* Power-cycle the device - power it down, wait 30+ seconds, power it up; then try again.
* Clear the cache of the app (not sure if iOS lets you do this)
* Clear the data of the app (not sure if iOS lets you do this - be warned, you'll have to re-download the library content and re-set-up your login to sync annotations - as if you installed the app fresh - you have to re-set-up your preferences and everything; but as long as you're using an LDS Account to sync annotations, you won't lose any)
* Uninstall and re-install the app (make sure doing this removes the data - you might even power-cycle between uninstall and re-install)
And finally, I believe I've seen this reported before and it was a rare problem which required the user to send feedback via their device and get tech support to delete the problem highlights or fix a corruption issue with their account, or something like that.
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:12 am
by Walscho
I am using an iPod Touch5 with IOS 9.2.1 and am unable to follow your instructions on deleting a previously highlighted verse. No garbage can or delete option shows up.
Thanks for your help.
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:29 am
by lmcguire
Wascho, you should probably use the in-app feedback option, tell them exactly which verse(s) is highlighted, explain the details (can't select it? or when you select it, there's no option to delete it?), and ask their help removing it. I don't know what else you could try.
Re: How do I unmark my scripture?
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:53 am
by adamkpeterson
For iOS: If you tap on a word or phrase that's marked and you don't see "remove" in the options, it may be that the word or phrase is marked multiple times. Here's what to do: tap on the marked word or phrase and a "Choose highlight" menu will come up. Tap a selection and it will take you back out to the verse. Tap once on the word or phrase with the highlight you want to remove. The option menu should now give you the option to "remove" when you tap the right arrow. You will need to repeat until each of the multiple highlights is gone.