How do I unmark my scripture?

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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by gwiddison »

So ... this is simply not working. I am doing (I think) everything that is suggested and the highlight does not clear. I am using a Mac, is this a platform issue?
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by sbradshaw »

gwiddison wrote:So ... this is simply not working. I am doing (I think) everything that is suggested and the highlight does not clear. I am using a Mac, is this a platform issue?
There are several differences between platforms (they're getting closer, but there's still a ways to go).

On the Church website, if you go to, you can see all of your existing annotations (notes, highlights, etc.). The list of annotations is on the left and an individual annotation loads on the right. In the top right there's an icon that looks like a trash can. Tapping that will delete the annotation. You can click on each annotation in the list, then tap the trash can in the top right to delete it. Does that work?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by ymariek7 »

Instructions by adamkpeterson worked for me. Thank you!
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Re: How do I unmark my scriptures on a PC?


Post by marcmeg »

Hi. I am using the LDS scriptures on my PC from the church website.

When I highlight a previously marked passage in one color and want to remove it, there is no "remove". There is a trash can symbol but it is not highlighted and you cannot use it.

So, on a PC, how do you remove text highlighting on the church website scriptures (I am in the BK of Mormon)?
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Re: How do I unmark my scriptures on a PC?


Post by sbradshaw »

marcmeg wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:00 am Hi. I am using the LDS scriptures on my PC from the church website.

When I highlight a previously marked passage in one color and want to remove it, there is no "remove". There is a trash can symbol but it is not highlighted and you cannot use it.

So, on a PC, how do you remove text highlighting on the church website scriptures (I am in the BK of Mormon)?
Instead of selecting text, simply click or tap on the existing highlight. That will bring up a menu with options for that highlight, including Remove.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by phlowergurlee »

I have found this to work on desktop for Windows or IOS. If you have marked the section, scripture, words, more than once—then
• highlight the area you want to unmark.
• then click on the blue bubble that marks the beginning or end of the marking.
• then click inside the area you want to unmark (which should still be highlighted)
• this should bring up a menu on the right that shows examples of all the markings the text currently has.
• click on the marking you wish to remove.
• this will take you back to the menu for “markings/style, notes, tags, etc.”. Go to “markings/style” and choose the bottom style of the plain text with no markings.

This should remove the one marking/highlight. Repeat until there is only one marking/highlight left.
Then just highlight one more time, click on a blue bubble and then on the marked highlighted text one more time and it will take you straight to the side menu like before—and select “markings/style”. And again choose the bottom style of plain text with no markings.!!! 🤗

It gets tricky sometimes clicking on exactly the right place. I always click on the beginning blue bubble, then click at the very beginning of the selected text. And it has always worked for me after some extensive testing!!!

Best of luck!!
Hugs!! ♥️🌹♥️
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by tsantiago »

I am following all of the prior posts but still can't unmark sections I've previously marked. The "remove" and trash bin is grayed out. How do I get that option to not be grayed out so I can remove markings?
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