How do I unmark my scripture?

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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by sbradshaw »

Note that you don't need to select a marked verse or phrase to remove the marking. Instead, just tap on it. Selecting will bring up options for adding a new annotation, while tapping will bring up options for removing or editing the tapped annotation.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by bgbrundage »

This is a wider version of the aforementioned question "How do I unmark my scripture?" I would like clear out ALL of my marks from every book and start over just like buying a new set of scriptures. Of course, I really don't want to have to do it one by one, and I don't particularly want to create a new user id. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by sbradshaw »

There's not currently a way to remove all of your annotations at once.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by pennyshaslam »

Some times just flip your phone and the remove button will appear.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by lmcguire »

pennyshaslam wrote:Some times just flip your phone and the remove button will appear.
I was imagining an etch-a-sketch, or maybe pancakes*, until I realized you meant "rotate it to landscape mode"... :lol:

*My apologies for mentioning food on Fast Sunday morning... :oops:
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by raggazadilotta »

This "Choose highlight" menu and then tapping a selection worked. The garbage can appeared in the menu when I clicked the right arrow and I was able to delete one layer of highlighting at a time. It would be great if this feature were not so obscure since it seems like this would be a common problem and a reader should be able to "unmark" a selection with much more ease.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by woodburyrf »

Here is what works to remove a previous highlight that you no longer want highlighted on an iPad: highlight the text you want to remove, touch and hold for a few seconds somewhere in the highlighted text, then release and quickly touch the highlighted text and the "remove" button will come up. Then tap "remove" and the highlighted text will go away.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by sbradshaw »

woodburyrf wrote:Here is what works to remove a previous highlight that you no longer want highlighted on an iPad: highlight the text you want to remove, touch and hold for a few seconds somewhere in the highlighted text, then release and quickly touch the highlighted text and the "remove" button will come up. Then tap "remove" and the highlighted text will go away.
Touching and holding will create a new selection or highlight, which you don't want to do. Instead, you can simply tap or quickly touch the highlighted text and the remove button will come up.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by smithmisha »

I have a similar but different question. How do I unmark ALL my scripture markings at once. I just want a clean slate. Any suggestions?
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Re: How do I unmark my scripture?


Post by sbradshaw »

smithmisha wrote:I have a similar but different question. How do I unmark ALL my scripture markings at once. I just want a clean slate. Any suggestions?
There's no quick way to do this, but the easiest way would be to go to Notes > All ("Notes" is a section on the main library screen) and use the context menu / three dots (Android) or edit / swipe (iOS) on each annotation to delete them one by one.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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