March Broadcast: CDOL update

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March Broadcast: CDOL update


Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

Details on this tool will be exposed on March 14, 2014, at noon (MST) during the LDSTech monthly broadcast.
Maybe I should have started a new topic?

I am excited and looking forward to the info. at this broadcast. I am a ward administrator may I attend at Riverton? Is it going to only be available to administrators or will anyone be able to attend? I am assuming that the sync with MLS & will be addressed.
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Re: March Broadcast: CDOL update


Post by russellhltn »

1968leocomeeatabite wrote:I am a ward administrator
Can you sign into CDOL now? I didn't think Ward Admins could.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: March Broadcast: CDOL update


Post by aebrown »

1968leocomeeatabite wrote:
Details on this tool will be exposed on March 14, 2014, at noon (MST) during the LDSTech monthly broadcast.
Maybe I should have started a new topic?
Just to clarify, you're quoting from the LDSTech Blog Article March Broadcast: CDOL. And yes, since this is a new topic, I split it out for you.
1968leocomeeatabite wrote:I am excited and looking forward to the info. at this broadcast. I am a ward administrator may I attend at Riverton? Is it going to only be available to administrators or will anyone be able to attend? I am assuming that the sync with MLS & will be addressed.
Everyone is welcome to attend the LDSTech broadcast, either in person at Riverton or over the Internet. But if you don't have access to CDOL (which you would only have if you are a stake presidency or bishopric member or clerk or executive secretary), then I'm guessing that much of the content of the broadcast will not be particularly relevant to you.
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Re: March Broadcast: CDOL


Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

Yes I am a ward executive secretary. I have been able to access CDOL. I need to spend more time on it and figure out how it will work. THANK YOU FOR THE QUICK REPLY. I am looking forward to the broadcast.
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Re: March Broadcast: CDOL update


Post by 1968leocomeeatabite »

How early can we tweet question when the broadcast starts.

Would questions about sync with callings on & MLS be appropriate?
Will they discuss a help section of how to use CDOL?
Will they talk of how we can use the search, so we can find the right units desired?
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