Sending Mass Texts

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Re: Sending Mass Texts


Post by russellhltn »

redlemon wrote:I have been sending emails via the Church's system and have been getting 5 pages of names that messages weren't delivered to mostly because of a new requirement. What can be done to overcome this little problem?
Don't use Yahoo as your email. What's happening that the church is sending the emails but spoofing your email address as the sender. Yahoo doesn't allow that. So anyone who has a Yahoo email tied with their account and tries to send via the church systems will encounter that.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Sending Mass Texts


Post by dwelb1963 »

Ok, Here is the big question.
Without having to make subgroups and do copying and pasting.
One message, one click and boom, out to the ward.
There are many services out there that will do it for a fee. We don't want a fee. Our tithing is the fee.
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Re: Sending Mass Texts


Post by russellhltn »

dwelb1963 wrote:There are many services out there that will do it for a fee. We don't want a fee. Our tithing is the fee.
Non-sequitur. The church does not sponsor any such mass texting. So, your tithing does not pay for texts.

Texting is not free. Even if you do find someone that doesn't charge, chances are it means giving up member's privacy.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Sending Mass Texts


Post by jhobbs5 »

I can see that there is a way to send a group message to everyone in our Elder's Quorum. However, I'm wondering if there is a way to send a text message to everyone in the quorum without it going out as one big mass group text where everyone can see everyone else's phone number. I guess I'm wondering if I can send it kind of like sending a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) email.
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Re: Sending Mass Texts


Post by pendletonkb »

Have people found the “Circles” feature in the Living app as an answer to this? It seems like this might be the church’s way to communicate instead of text?
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