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Visual Guide to using Western Digital for Come Follow Me
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:01 pm
by AdameRobertson
A challenge in my ward building is that the librarians tend to be older and have severe phobias of new digital technology. I wrote the attached guide to show exactly how to connect the devices. So far, so good.
Re: Visual Guide to using Western Digital for Come Follow Me
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:57 am
by johnshaw
This was great... it is similar to mine, and similar to the hundreds if not thousands of others who have created a setup guide like this one. If only there was some coordinated way the Church could save us hundreds and thousands of volunteer hours of duplicating our effort time and time again.
Thanks for all your and my and all our hard work on this. The under appreciated, only known in failure - group of tech specialists and clerks out there!
Re: Visual Guide to using Western Digital for Come Follow Me
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:41 pm
by jeromer7
Thank you for your effort and especially for being thoughtful enough to share. One of my pending tasks was to come up with just such a document. Not sure it would have turned out as nice as yours.