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Use facilities tracker for technical issues

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:19 pm
by jwizardc

I am the Tech Geek for the Seattle Stake. I am attempting to improve communications between my 'customers' and myself.

I believe that the ap for reporting Facilities issues could be used for technical issues.

The software is practically perfect right out of the box.

I might wish to add some input fields, such as steps to reproduce, is the problem time-specific (e.g. it only happens at 12:30 on church days when 300 people are trying to log onto the wireless), and what software is involved.

I don't know if this program automatically emails the ticket originator when the ticket is closed. I think this would be good. Or perhaps the Techie is required to email the originator before the ticket can be closed.

The facilities reporting system offers several advantages; most importantly security. Only authorized Members have access. It is already written (except for perhaps a few tweaks) and works.

Actually, we could begin using the system as-is to see how well it works out. Authorization should be extended to Stake and Ward clerks for maximum usefulness.

Thank you for your time and service.


Re: Use facilities tracker for technical issues

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:29 am
by davesudweeks
Ward clerks already have access (at least I did when I was ward clerk). I suspect stake clerks do as well. I don't know if technology specialists have access (which would block many of those who would be key to resolving the issue if they don't have access).

Re: Use facilities tracker for technical issues

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:21 pm
by johnshaw
The facilities issues reporting tool is really a front-end for the back-end FMAT ticketing system. It has been a year in rolling out at this point and is still not labeled as production. I seriously doubt the church wants to start customizing it for your specific purposes.

Re: Use facilities tracker for technical issues

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:53 am
by Biggles
davesudweeks wrote:Ward clerks already have access (at least I did when I was ward clerk). I suspect stake clerks do as well. I don't know if technology specialists have access (which would block many of those who would be key to resolving the issue if they don't have access).
I'm both a Ward Clerk and STS, when I log in, I have a choice of which calling to use.

I suspect that if I was just a Ward Clerk, I would only be able to enter and see reports for my own Ward. As it is whichever calling I use, I can see reports for the whole Stake!

Re: Use facilities tracker for technical issues

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:40 am
by drepouille
People with Internet problems don't want to use a web site to report their issues. Heck, most of them don't want to use e-mail or telephone to report them. They just wait until they see me, and then tell me the have been having problems for the past month or two.

Re: Use facilities tracker for technical issues

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:23 pm
by russellhltn
drepouille wrote:They just wait until they see me, and then tell me the have been having problems for the past month or two.
When they do that to me, I tell them the clock starts now. I'm not going into panic mode just because they couldn't be bothered to tell me before.