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Internet and Family Safety Expo, Presenter

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:32 am
by wrigjef
Our ward is holding one of these expo's next month. It's going to be for both members and non-members following a pattern found elsewhere on these forums. The focus is going to be internet security and they have some good subject matter experts lined up to present on filtering etc. The gym will be set up with tables and people will roam from one to another covering different subjects. There will also be breakout sections for full presentations on filtering and internet security. For my small part, I have been asked to man a little table in the gym and be able to talk about and its resources. I was told to have a 2-3 minute "elevator speach" type presentation and also provide a take away. How would you handle this?

My initial thought is to bring a computer and my big monitor from home and connect to the wifi so I can demonstrate. I thought for take aways that I might just find the quick tip sheets that the church produced about resources and print out packets. I do have access to member numbers so I guess I could also have a second computer that could be used to privately help someone set up an lds account if they don't have one.

Any other suggestions?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:39 am
by russellhltn
I'd prefer to do a PowerPoint script for any presentation. You may find the normal speed of screen updates of any website slows the presentation. There's also the risk that the connection will have problem further affecting your speed.

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:58 pm
by kisaac
I've also seen the internet go down moments before a presentation that will be using it. A powerpoint could "simulate" the process, and also be given on disk or emailed to those that request it.