Study Notebook Export

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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by bpurser »

I have tried the new "download my notes" button and received a file with 997 of my notes. I have many thousands of notes that were not downloaded. I have left feedback and would suggest others who use the note feature try to export their notes. Then verify the notes in the exported file are complete. If you have problems, please leave feedback so that we can get this important feature up and working. It's been years since I have been able to get a full export of my notes. I continue to trust that with all continual changes happening with the online scriptures and apps, that I never lose these important and very personal notes.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by bpurser »

A status update. I reported this issue with the export function not working. After some back and forth and providing additional information to the support folks, I received the following message on March 31, 2020: "Thanks for reporting this. It is in our queue to be prioritized for a fix, but we do not have a timeline for resolution. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience."
I did check the export function today and found there appears to have been some changes in the past month. Instead of the first 997 notes, I now receive the first 176 notes as a download CSV file.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by amandamallett »

I'm working on this also. I got 801 notes, taking me up to 2017... I left feedback but will go back and leave more specific feedback about being about to download all the notes with their associated text.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by bpurser »

It's been awhile so here's an update. The "export your notes" feature on the web page is still only downloading 728 of my over 6,500 notes. The downloaded notes are dated 2012 to 2014. I am still hopeful that this known issue will make it up the queue and get fixed soon.

If you are wondering how many notes you may have made in the Gospel Library over the years, I have found two ways:
- Install the Windows version of Gospel Library, sign in, then click on Settings, Church Account. Look for Annotations, Total.
- or install the Android version of Gospel Library, sign in, then tap the three dots menu, Settings, App Details. Look for Personal Data, Total annotations.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by sbradshaw »

Note that the total number of annotations (at least as listed in App Details on Android) includes highlights and bookmarks too, in addition to notes.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by sts28 »

I really would like to be able to export all my notes, if only for backup's sake. But I also used the note desire to prepare for a book I'm writing, and being able to export only a fraction of my notes makes it virtually useless for that purpose.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by mstauff »

I experienced this today as well. I have a copy of my exported notes from 2018. They used to be in xml. Now it's in .csv and not only is the total number of notes incomplete, the content is as well. It looks like only the first line of text of any note is included.

My hope is that at some point I can create a journal of my thoughts over the years to share with my kids. Would like to be able to pull it from an exported file. Maybe worth scripting something to hit the endpoints that the notes app uses and pull it that way, but that would be a lot more work.

I'll submit feedback as well.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by bpurser »

A status update since receiving a reply in March 2020 from support stating this is known issue and that the issue is in the queue for resolution.
Today I ran "export my notes" and only 2 lines of entries in a csv file with dates from 2016. Still hopeful that support will be able to fix this important feature eventually.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by keys88 »

Same experience here - export resulted in 2 very old entries in a csv file. It would be very helpful to be able to export notebooks for backup and local access to the content.
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Re: Study Notebook Export


Post by bpurser »

It was last year, March 2020, when I received a message back from the development team that the "export my notes" feature had a known bug and that it was on the list of things to fix. Still hoping this important feature makes it up to the top of the fixes list. As a status update today, the export of my notes is now down to just 2 older notes from 2016.
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