Will there will be access to schedule classes at stake level?

Beta Lesson Schedules Website feedback
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Post by nbflint »

For what it's worth, as a Ward Clerk and Website Administrator I absolutely LOVE the way v1 is planned. My biggest frustration with the Priesthood/R.S. Schedule in the classic LUWS was that it was inaccurate enough to discourage usage AND there was nothing I could do about it. I'd rather be responsible for inputing and updating the schedule than to have a tool without credibility.

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Post by lajackson »

nbflint wrote:For what it's worth, as a Ward Clerk and Website Administrator I absolutely LOVE the way v1 is planned. My biggest frustration with the Priesthood/R.S. Schedule in the classic LUWS was that it was inaccurate enough to discourage usage AND there was nothing I could do about it. I'd rather be responsible for inputing and updating the schedule than to have a tool without credibility.

We had the reverse problem. A few wards would not teach to the schedule the stake entered.
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Post by jdcr256 »

In order to accommodate some of the requests in this thread, we have added the ability for stake admins to view the application as though they were admins in their home ward. In other words, stake admins will be able to log in and create/modify classes and lessons for their own ward.

This will allow stake admins to see and use the admin controls so they can help members of their stake with training upon request.
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Post by johnshaw »

this is good news
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Post by kisaac »

jdcr256 wrote:In order to accommodate some of the requests in this thread, we have added the ability for stake admins to view the application as though they were admins in their home ward. In other words, stake admins will be able to log in and create/modify classes and lessons for their own ward.

This will allow stake admins to see and use the admin controls so they can help members of their stake with training upon request.
I cannot test this, but is this ability available now in beta? What stake callings does this apply to, STAKE WEBSITE ADMIN and / or others?
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Post by aebrown »

kisaac wrote:I cannot test this, but is this ability available now in beta? What stake callings does this apply, STAKE WEBSITE ADMIM and / or others?
I tried it, and it's definitely available now to an assistant stake clerk. I assume it's the standard set of stake admins that are the analogues of the ward callings listed in Default administrators for Lesson Schedules.
Questions that can benefit the larger community should be asked in a public forum, not a private message.
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Post by jdcr256 »

aebrown is correct, it is the standard set of stake admins. For a stake, this includes the presidency, secretaries, clerks, and stake web admin.
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Post by tomjoht »

By the way, thank you Alan for updating the Lesson Schedules administrators topic with the results from this thread. I like the juxtaposition of this forum and the wiki, and how information flows from the forum into the wiki.
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Post by sharonlower »

What about Stake Administrators? Seems our calling has been slowly been dramically
what we can do more what we can not do...
Stake clerks in our Stake what nothing to do with the Stake Calendar
so I'm elected to do the updates
1-can not see other wards to help other new ward admins
2-directory.. that has disappeared
can't help stake members with their profile
3-Lessons: haven't seen anything so I add by hand on Stake Calendar
and add lds.org magazine link to the lessons
4-Newsletter: haven't seen this added to my Stake Admin tools yet
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Post by jdlessley »

You appear to be addressing several issues in one post. This thread is about stake level access/input to ward lesson schedules. If you have issues other than the access by stake leaders to the lesson scheduler, please post those issues in a separate thread for each issue. We cannot address any concerns other than those around the topic of this thread without forking the thread. Please follow the Code of Conduct regarding forking threads and staying on topic for the thread.
sharonlower wrote:Stake clerks in our Stake what nothing to do with the Stake Calendar so I'm elected to do the updates
1-can not see other wards to help other new ward admins
Please address this in a separate thread in the Calendar forum.
sharonlower wrote:2-directory.. that has disappeared can't help stake members with their profile
Please address this in the Directory forum.
sharonlower wrote:3-Lessons: haven't seen anything so I add by hand on Stake Calendar and add lds.org magazine link to the lessons
Stake leaders have access to their own ward's lesson scheduler as though they are leaders within their own ward. Stake level access/input will come some time in the future. The program has been rolled out with the essential elements for wards to schedule lessons.

For a better understanding of why the decision was made and what has been done to accommodate stake leaders see post # 7, post #11, post #27, and post #57.
sharonlower wrote:4-Newsletter: haven't seen this added to my Stake Admin tools yet
Please address this in the Beta Newsletter forum.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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