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Gospel Library for Kindle Touch

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:40 am
by vaunamri
At this URL ... zon_Kindle
It says: "You can download the official (free) Gospel Library app for Kindle here."
That link takes you to: ... 160&sr=8-1
which is the page for the LDS Gospel Library in the Appstore for Android.

I cannot download it to my Kindle Touch. Is the link wrong, or what am I missing here?


Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:09 pm
by danc435
The link is wrong for you. It would be the right link if you had a Kindle Fire since it is powered by Android. I've heard the free blackberry version of the scriptures is compatible with the e-ink version of the Kindle (scriptures only from some places I've read), but I haven't figured out how to go about installing it yet. There are a lot of offerings on Amazon for the scriptures, gospel library, etc, but the chaos just makes me wonder how many people are profiting from the content of the LDS church and the apparent void of either an official offering from the church or a fully-functional free download like Android has.

If anyone knows any differently or can provide instructions for installing a free version, please share!

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:36 pm
by thayneharmon
This is the responce fron LDS tech support.

If we want the LDS Gospel on the kindle Touch - we need to let them know that there is a demand.

It may be possible but we don't have the resources to work on it. I will let the development team know that we have had the request but we have to prioritize the work based on the base of users we have for the different platforms.
If we see a large need for this device, we may be able to have resources work on it. You may also go to and ask the question in the wiki or suggest it as a project. If there are volunteers willing to work on an app for the Kindle Touch, that would be the way to find somebody to work on it.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:43 pm
by aebrown
thayneharmon wrote: You may also go to and ask the question in the wiki or suggest it as a project.

Just a clarification -- whoever wrote that doesn't understand the role of the forum vs the wiki. Here on the forum is the correct place to ask questions; a question posed on the wiki will not receive much attention.

I would also like to see the LDS Gospel Resources on the Kindle Touch.

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:57 am
by JamesDye
thayneharmon wrote:This is the responce fron LDS tech support.

If we want the LDS Gospel on the kindle Touch - we need to let them know that there is a demand.

It may be possible but we don't have the resources to work on it. I will let the development team know that we have had the request but we have to prioritize the work based on the base of users we have for the different platforms.
If we see a large need for this device, we may be able to have resources work on it. You may also go to and ask the question in the wiki or suggest it as a project. If there are volunteers willing to work on an app for the Kindle Touch, that would be the way to find somebody to work on it.

The Kindle Touch, and other Kindle devices are very popular book readers. Amazon has sold millions of them, and I'm sure a quite a few of those were sold to LDS members who would love to have official church content available for them.

The Touch, and other Kindle devices (except the Fire) are not as open for Apps as Android devices or the Apple devices, but we would love to have LDS content and even the LDS Tools if possible.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:57 pm
by jorgelsaltos
I agree, I just got a Kindle Touch and I would love to have a way to access scriptures as well as the latest conference addresses.

Kindle Touch Resources

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:08 pm
by igodfreyx
In an effort to help the Kindle community I have converted most church materials into the native MOBI format. All are free and available for download here.

Perhaps someday the church will have an official app for the Kindle Touch but in the mean time you can get all the content here.

I hope everyone finds this useful.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:52 pm
by jdlessley
igodfreyx wrote:In an effort to help the Kindle community I have converted most church materials into the native MOBI format. All are free and available for download here.
Have you obtained permission from the copyright holder, the Church Intellectual Property Office, to convert those materials and distribute them? If not you may want to contact them before you offer this to the public.