Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?

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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by johnedwardgriffinjr »

lajackson wrote:It has been 4-1/2 years since the previous post, and a lot has changed since then. If you log in with your LDS Account, you should be able to see ward boundaries anywhere and get a feel for where a certain area will fall.
Where exactly would I need to go after signing into my account? If I try ward map, it takes me to my current ward (and I can view all wards in the stake) but I can't seem to be able to see the ward boundaries of an area we are looking to move next month. I've tried to meetinghouse locator and locations and schedules.
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by scgallafent »

johnedwardgriffinjr wrote:Where exactly would I need to go after signing into my account? If I try ward map, it takes me to my current ward (and I can view all wards in the stake) but I can't seem to be able to see the ward boundaries of an area we are looking to move next month. I've tried to meetinghouse locator and locations and schedules.
Switch to the classic maps to see the boundaries in another area. From the regular ward map, click the tiles icon (9 boxes at the bottom right) and choose Classic LDS Maps.
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by joeanay »

I just found I was able to find ward boundaries by starting with the meeting house locator, it allowed me to click on an area of the map, showed me which meeting house that area used and which wards were there. After that in the key there was a link for the ward which when clicked on displayed that wards boundaries.
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by crjob »

I just used this feature. This is what i found to work:
- Sign in to your LDS account
- Go to the "Meetinghouse Locator"
- Type in an address (it will tell you the ward that address is a part of), or click on a meetinghouse location pin
- When you click on one of the wards (highlighted in blue), an area outline will show you the ward boundary.
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by captainkb »

I want to see a map of ward boundaries to any ward, not just my ward and stake.

What is the path to do that?
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by jdlessley »

captainkb wrote:I want to see a map of ward boundaries to any ward, not just my ward and stake.

What is the path to do that?
Follow the instructions in the post just before your post.

Note there are two maps in the My Account and Ward menu. In the middle column under My Ward is the Ward Map. It will only display boundaries for your ward, your stake, and other wards within your stake. In the right column under Tools and Support is the Meetinghouse Locator mentioned in the post before your post. This map function will allow you to view other units and their boundaries.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by callawb2 »

Two years after that, I'm running into all the same obstacles just described. If there's something new, I'm not finding it.
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by melissaparry »

I'm visiting a city where the local stake has stake conference. Which I'm not interested in attending. I want to see the stake boundaries so I can go to sacrament meeting in another stake. I'm sure I'm not the only one who ever had this issue. These church websites are disappointing.
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by cknicholas »

It is January of 2019. I have been attempting to see the Ward bounderies of a Stake we are considering a move to. It has taken me over an hour of pure frustration, but I am no closer to my goal. I have read the previous posts. It seems like there is a great fear of this information getting out into the public
I do not want to see the list of names and addresses of individual members. I simply would like to know the Ward boundry lines to aid us in selecting where to look for our next home. Is the such a tool to help members when they are only looking "to move"?
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Re: Moving to a new city - ward boundaries?


Post by eblood66 »

cknicholas wrote:I have been attempting to see the Ward bounderies of a Stake we are considering a move to. It has taken me over an hour of pure frustration, but I am no closer to my goal. I have read the previous posts.
I just tried and the instructions posted above by crjob on 29 Jul 2017 still work fine. Make sure you log in to as instructed and make sure your account is associated with your membership number (an easy way to tell is whether you can view members of your current ward at If meetinghouse locator doesn't recognize the address you might not get a list of wards. In that case, just find the location visually on the map and click there to see the list of wards. Then clicking on one of the wards should show you the boundaries.
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