Same general issues as others but with one more level - our paid stake account has 4 (paid) licenses. It was set up this way because we conduct early morning seminary via Zoom right now and to get in class time requirements those classes have to be 60 mins long so the free version wouldn't work.
As the stake executive secretary I've run into the error message in trying to transfer my personal license over to a church license. Figured it was because I am the executive secretary, not the STS so I asked our STS to try and he also runs into the same message.
From everything I've read, a "one-private-paid" to "one-church-paid" license transfer should work but has anyone had luck transferring over an account with multiple paid licenses?
I set it up this way so that the stake could maintain control of seminary classes (have access to their meeting info, be able to help them out if needed, etc.) but I could allow our 3 seminary teachers full meeting control (they start the meetings, they can choose to let others share their screens, etc.). It allows seminary teachers the ability to fully host meetings without me having to start the meeting and assign alternative hosts, etc. (which by the way you can only do beforehand in Zoom with other paid licenses on your account). Breakout rooms were also not a great option as not all the youth are logged on bright and early and I didn't want to have someone birddog the meeting to make sure latecomers made it to the proper breakout rooms). I use the 4th license to conduct our stake level meetings and it's been worth the $15/month to not have to use a seminary teacher's account even though our meetings are typically not at the same times, plus it complies with Zoom pre-church license agreements of having one person per paid license.
Does anyone see a clean way of transferring over one account with 4 paid licenses to maintain one account with 4 full licenses? I'm all for saving some money but the solutions I've seen for my scenario aren't making me want to cancel my existing account yet. All the links not just for my stake meetings but for our early morning seminary classes took a long time to set up