Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by ballen1057 »

I just show the video as normal and use my camera on presetting to show the speaker and switch to the screen. Video and audio will go closed circuit thought the building. Is you want to go internet turn on your webcast communicator. Come and see my set up anytime.
Bruce M Allen
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Re: Showing presentation from chapel in cultural hall

Post by mevans »

russellhltn wrote:
mevans wrote:VGA splitter
I'm not sure what you mean by "splitter", but I can't imagine a passive device doing this. It would have to be more like a distribution amp. Particularly since we're talking 3 screens, not just 2.
Yes, I meant some kind of active VGA distribution device. For example, MonoPrice calls both the passive and active devices "splitters".

I suggested VGA over HDMI here because it's temporary and the cost for all the parts for the solution (wire, baluns, splitter, and gaff tape) isn't going to add up to a lot of money. If you wanted to run permanent wires through the attic, you might think about Cat 6, HDMI baluns and distribution instead.

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