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Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 8:17 pm
by mbsteed
If you are using the MLS Companion Database program for managing ward information, there is a significant update (v. 302) that I just posted. The problem is that MLS 3.1 and 3.1.1 changed something and my program no longer worked properly when it imported MLS data. Version 302 fixed that problem as well as addressed many minor issues but also added enhancements; like pull-down menus. Here is the site where you can download the new version to update your programs or to download and test it out for the first time - it is open source:

Marlo Steed

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:02 pm
by mbsteed
There is now an update to version 304 available, which should make importing MLS files more stable and I tried to add individual and household contact information to all the reports.

The biggest change was rebuilding of a stake version specifically created for stake information - for stake leaders (this was on hold since MLS 3.1 file format broke the import function).

Hope this is of value to folks.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:51 pm
by GrasseDD
Sorry, too many jokes erupted in my brain to ignore this!
(Insert your own punchline.)
mbsteed wrote:Fergie34,

Here is why your hometeachers are not showing up:


If you do that all the Hometeachers should show up.